Convention time!

I spotted these guys at Cincinnati Comic Expo and was really impressed. For you non-Doctor Who fans, this is from season 1 episode 2 of the "modern" Doctor Who series. The flat face in the frame is Cassandra, who has undergone the ultimate in cosmetic surgery.

Moisturize me!
where would i find out id any of these conventions are held in new york city? i don't remember ever hearing about any
Red's correct, NYCC is one of the major cons in the country. You can also search for things like "comic convention calendar" or browse a site like Convention Scene for the type and location of conventions that may interest you.
The great thing about cosplaying Doctor Who is that there are so many different Doctors to choose from. Here's the eighth Doctor at Indy Pop Con 2014.

Number eight
If you haven't noticed it yet, I'm a big Doctor Who fan and have been since I saw Dr. Who and the Daleks (starring Peter Cushing as the Doctor) some time arount 1969 or 1970. So obviously I'm always drawn to Doctor Who cosplay.

Here we see the second (Patrick Troughton) and tenth (David Tennant) Doctors portrayed at Derby City Comic Con in Louisville.

Another thing I'm interested in is women. ;) So that means this photo wins a lot of points: Cosplay, woman, steampunk and Power Girl. (And for those of you who've never heard of Power Girl, she's Superman's cousin and is know for her peekaboo top.)

Steam power
Dennis, if you are a fan of Power Girl, you might appreciate the following. It was done by a local (Chicago) Cover Artist for Zenoscope Comics and the print was featured at the Superman Celebration in Metropolis, IL a few years ago.
Nice! She looks a bit like Marilyn Monroe. I'd like to get one of my PG books signed by Amanda Conner, but the lines are always soooo long.
The original on the left is a more standard version, but he had done other Marilyn work prior to this and that's what it turned in to...
Dennis, are you hitting up C2E2 this year? There's a very remote chance I will get to attend (Stars aligning and all that jazz) this year over a whirlwind of a weekend.
Little girls (and many adults) all over the country celebrated the premiere of My Little Pony season 5 today. At C2E2 in Chicago last year, these ladies got their pony on and prepared to PARTY!

Friends on the road