Announcing Pixelmania 2k10 (FINALLY)!

OK...when we all take photos of Ray this year, we'll pick a landmark just off to one side. ; Then, next year Scott can come, and we'll take his photo in front of the landmark. ; Then, we can photoshop the two shots in layers and finally have Ray and Scott together at Pixelmania! ; ;)
You know, after reading through the new Mobile Photo thread, I just realized that with Tapatalk we can maybe have better updates of the schedule and locations throughout PixelMania. ; Isn't technology wonderful. ; Now I am just waiting for Verizon to bring "Disney's Mobile Magic" to the Droid (so worth the $10 fee for Character Sightings alone).
Oh boy...I'll be dead if that happens! ; I'll need someone to stop by or call me at my room if any plans change and let me know. ; Wow, how unplugged am I? ; :) ; I get my internet through wires in my house, and my e-mail from my computer, and text is words on paper, chat is something you do while facing another person, blog I think is the ex-governor of Illinois, and tweets are just sounds birds make.
"zackiedawg" said:
OK...when we all take photos of Ray this year, we'll pick a landmark just off to one side. ; Then, next year Scott can come, and we'll take his photo in front of the landmark. ; Then, we can photoshop the two shots in layers and finally have Ray and Scott together at Pixelmania! ; ;)

Just remember to leave enough head room for me. ; ;)
Just upgraded my ticket from last fall to an AP. ; It'll pay for itself with two trips planned in the next 12 months...
A railroad photo charter that I was going to attend in October got canceled and my boss gave me an extra day of vacation this year as a reward for all of the extra work I'm doing, which gives me just enough vacation time to attend Pixelmania this year!

I booked the flight and hotel (Wilderness Lodge 12/1-12/5) this morning. ; My flight lands at 12:15 on 12/1 so if anyone wants to meet up later that afternoon, let me know
"Zeagle" said:
I vote for 1 Dec to be at AK like last year. Believe that it has extended evening hours for that day.

That's correct. ; Extra Magic Hours run from 5 to 8 that night. ; I am thinking about leaving AK at 7:30 to run over to EPCOT to shoot Illuminations from the balcony in Japan that overlooks the torii gate. ; I'm a little rusty on my fireworks shooting and want to practice before the MVMCP meet.

Also if anyone wants to get together for a round of mini golf at Winter Summerland Wednesday afternoon, let me know.
This was mentioned in another thread (and did not want to hijacking it), but are we going to get t-shirts that say "No, I am NOT a Photopass Photographer!" on the back? ; Just wondering...

brought to you by an (HTC) "Incredible" Guy.
I could use a shirt like that. ; Last January, I was trying to take a shot of SSE from the bottom of the planter. ; While I was getting everything framed up, an Asian lady posed her entire family in front of me and handed me her card. ; She had a hard time understanding that I wasn't a photopass photographer.
That's too funny! ; I haven't had this happen to me yet, but I would think that once I have my new camera body and it is all black, that it might happen. ; We should make a game out of this, and see how many times both total and individual someone gets asked this question during Pixelmania
Well, I applied to be a Mom's Panelist. ; So, if I make it through and get "hired", I won't be able to go to Pixelmania because "training" is the week after that. I doubt I could swing a second 2-week vacation this year...haha...but you never know

I'd love to win a spot on the 2011 panel. ; It would be the perfect capstone to a very magical year. ; This time last year we were childless but knew two were on the way. ; Now, I have a 27 month old and a 6 month old
Roger and I had to survive an onslaught of unobservant guests at the Chrismas part last year. ; I guess setting up our tripods in the middle of Main Street between other Photopass photographers may have contributed to their confusion.

Good luck on the Mom's Panel, guys.