Announcing Pixelmania 2k10 (FINALLY)!

"Tim" said:
See you there?

I'm 90% sure right now. ; I guess that was the trade off. ; I just have to wait a little for my refund to process on the hotel in SoCal then I can book December.
"Tim" said:
See you there?

Plane and room are booked. ; The only thing that is now "in the air" is if it becomes a family trip or not. ; We have school issues for everyone beginning this fall.

Wait, that's not the only thing...the other thing has to be when I'll be buying my AP since it looks like I'll be at the World in 52 weeks as well.
I am not sure when the promotion ends, but I got a 3 month extension on My AP when I purchased it this spring. ; Instead of ending at the end of Feb. it now ends in May.
So I have to say that I would LOVE to be here for this event to meet up with all my fellow shutterbugs. Alas, I will probably not have the funds to support such a venture. Not to say I will not try my hardest to make it down, maybe I'll start the Get DisHippy to Pixelmania fund. ; ;) If I can't make it down I was planning on trying to set something up if anyone wanted to meet up when I'm down the first part of April 2011. But still, it pixelmania! And I want to attend! Here's hoping!
I'm OFFICIAL! ; Booked my DVC studio - availability was awfully tight unfortunately for the studios...still plenty of the larger rooms, but I couldn't get any of my preferred locations for studio. ; No matter though - I'm in, and that's what's important. ; Studio booked at Old Key West, checkin Thu Dec 2 and checkout Mon Dec 6. ; I'm taking Thu off of work, so I should be able to get there by early afternoon on Thu. ; I threw a waitlist in for Boardwalk studio, just for the heck of it...but OKW is fine for me. ; Plenty of space, quiet, and have my boat to Downtown Disney...and the busses home are usually less crowded coming out of the parks.
Tim, would happen to have a rough idea for which park on which day? ; The thinking is that being close to 180 days out we can start making Advanced Dining Reservations and it is always nice to not have to park hop too much for dining (but if not I guess that is okay)... ; I will probably go ahead and make reservations if only to cancel them if necessary. ; Okay, never mind. ; Wait, what was I saying again?
Personally, I would like to see the POTD schedule match that of Reunion, to minimize park-hopping (especially since I may not have a car this year):

Dec. 2 MK
Dec. 3 Epcot
Dec. 4 DHS
Dec. 5 AK

I'd also suggest that we try to do a Fort Wilderness night photowalk on Dec. 1, assuming it's not raining again.
"ddindy" said:
Personally, I would like to see the POTD schedule match that of Reunion, to minimize park-hopping (especially since I may not have a car this year):

Dec. 2 MK
Dec. 3 Epcot
Dec. 4 DHS
Dec. 5 AK

I'd also suggest that we try to do a Fort Wilderness night photowalk on Dec. 1, assuming it's not raining again.

Ditto again. I know you would like to be different, but even with a car going back and forth might eat up time that can be spent hanging with people. I really want to see all of you again... for more then 30mins!
I hope it isn't raining AGAIN! ; Here's praying to the rain gods to give us 4 straight rain free days. ; Sure it's early BUT it can't hurt to start now.
"ddindy" said:
Dec. 2 MK
Dec. 3 Epcot
Dec. 4 DHS
Dec. 5 AK

that was nearly the order of the parks for the 1st pixelmania, but i make no guarantees for this time around. ; park hours and EMH dictates our schedule. ;
Just checked AllEars and they have the Extra Magic Hours posted up through November of 2010. ; So once December is posted that should maybe give us a vague idea of Park Hours. ; Also, in regards to Dining Reservations, is anyone again interested in making group reservations? ; I will probably be making some reservations starting in the next 5 days (when I hit 180 days out) and am considering making them for groups of 4-6 if there is enough interest. ; Not sure of which restaurants yet, but definitely want to try and get into Sci-Fi and/or PrimeTime.