A window into your world..please post...

Craig...I'd probably have to go cry in my room for a day if I had to give up that 55 Chevy. ; Ouch! ; Van looks like a beast too.

Erich...the 944S was underrated - that was a serious car. ; Porsche had a hard time getting the 924 over to the air-cooled rear-engine traditionalists, and the 944 was a nice evolution...the 944S was really getting it all right, but then they pulled the plug on that line not too long after.

I had a friend whose father had a hydraulic shop, and we would use the place after hours to restore old cars for minor profit during and just after high school. ; Started with a 66 Mustang, and an old Ranchero...but eventually got into Euro. ; A lovely 77 911 Turbo that had some hard years put on it, and a late 70's Bavaria 3.0. ; We never rally made much profit on the ones we sold, but learned a lot about cars, and as young whippersnappers, got to drive around in some very cool cars which looked great (even though we knew we were sitting on fruit crates on a naked metal floor with wind and debris shooting up through the shift hole). ; My friend still has that 77 Turbo...and is still working on it 16 years later to keep it running. ; Fun car...though a bit twitchy and anxious to bring its butt around on every turn if not careful (those were the days before Porsche started taming the rear engine 911 into a more benign and predictible handler...it still had its edge then!).

No AP calipers on mine...believe it or not, stock (the 'top of the line' VR6 4motion has beefed up brakes to begin with). ; Pads are EBC Ceramic Red Stuff though!)
OK here is a look into my world....

First photo is a make-shift studio at an office. I did head shots for a local Wells Fargo Mortgage company.

Second photo is where I work. Please don't show my boss this photo. :confused:

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Totally rolling my eyes. ; I should have known what this thread would degenerate to around here. :D

I'm only kidding. ; I'm loving it. ; And I'll be a girl here for just a minute and interrupt the car talk to say hey James! ; I really like your shoes and the pics of your family tacked on the wall of your office. ; Looks like Jim's...except yours is cleaner. ; (shhh)

Having fun today. :)
Okay, here is a window into my world as the mother of 3 members of the male species. ; The way I look at it, I should just be grateful that one of them sorta makes his bed. :)

The second is a tighter crop that shows my 10 year old's nightly reading in the midst of his filing system. ; Thought it was nicely in keeping with the theme of this thread.
:D ; I love boys!

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Here's a window into my world, ; a quick iPhone shot[nb]since I forgot to bring my camera to work[/nb] of my desk at work:


I work for an architect, but I can't call myself one yet. ; I have my Masters of Architecture and have completed all of my required internship hours, but have not taken the licensing exams... ; I keep saying that I'm going to start studying but work and life keep getting in the way... ;

Right now I have two projects under construction. ; One is the core and shell of a 45,000sf office building, the other is a 6,000sf data center. ; I also have two projects under design, one of which is the tenant fit out for the office building that's under construction. ;

My photography is my escape from all of the stresses of work. ; It takes me to some of my favorite places...

Like my favorite vacation spot:

Or just down the road[nb]Sunrise at Branch Avenue, Antietam National Battlefield, Sharpsburg Maryland[/nb]:

Or a little farther down the road:


Or the bone chilling cold of Yellowstone in January:


Or my newest photographic addiction:

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Michael, these are truly beautiful. ; I really love the shot of the canons with the mist on the background. ; (I will be looking for a weeping willow on a hill just like that, with fog in the background, this summer for an idea I have in my head.) And the one of your office made me laugh. ; Now that one looks a bit more like Jim's office. :D
Here's a window to my world..
This is where I spend about 60% of my time at work. I'm a marketing guy for the Air Force Research Lab's Munitions Directorate and this is our technology display center. We give about 100 tours a year in this room and I give about 80-90% of those.

It is an awesome job and I am privileged to be able to do it.

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I think your taste in vehicles is similar to mine. ; I, too, had a Montero before the whole SUV thing caught on. ; There was an issue of National Geographic where they showed these people crossing the Gobi desert, and they were using Monteros. ; That's the mark of a good SUV. ; It was a good car until my nephew (17 years old at the time) rolled it and totalled it.

I recently picked up a Mercedes E320 wagon with all wheel drive (lest you think I dropped huge coin, it's a 1999 I found on Craigslist and paid $8500 for). ; That car is absolutely the best winter car I own (we also have a Sequoia and a Jeep Liberty). ; The german AWD system rocks.

Now I have to start surfing Craigs for a Passat 4matic wagon... those are nice wheels on yours.

As for a window into my world -- the avatar in my posts is me looking bored sitting in the back room at the ER -- a place I inhabit on weekends and nights to support my Disney and photography habits.


Love the trains...just awesome, and I'm jealous that anyone gets to live within range of any running steam trains like that.

Brian...that is about as cool sounding a job as I can imagine! ; Lucky guy, you!

"BorisMD" said:
I think your taste in vehicles is similar to mine. ; I, too, had a Montero before the whole SUV thing caught on. ; There was an issue of National Geographic where they showed these people crossing the Gobi desert, and they were using Monteros. ; That's the mark of a good SUV. ; It was a good car until my nephew (17 years old at the time) rolled it and totalled it.

I know it well - I had seen similar photos. ; I had seen an article back in the mid-eighties where the Muhajadeen in Afghanistan used Mitsubishi Pajeros almost exclusively throughout the rough Hindu Kush regions fighting the Soviets (Pajero is Montero's name in other countries). ; I knew it was a classic steel-frame, skid-plated, 4-bolt-main, double diff locked 4x4, which is what I wanted for desert running when I lived in Cali.

I recently picked up a Mercedes E320 wagon with all wheel drive (lest you think I dropped huge coin, it's a 1999 I found on Craigslist and paid $8500 for). ; That car is absolutely the best winter car I own (we also have a Sequoia and a Jeep Liberty). ; The german AWD system rocks.

Great car. ; My mother had a 96 E320 sedan for many years - replaced in 2002 with a CLK320 - which she still drives today.

As for a window into my world -- the avatar in my posts is me looking bored sitting in the back room at the ER -- a place I inhabit on weekends and nights to support my Disney and photography habits.

Don't burn yourself out! ; My stepfather was a GI for 40 years - the first 25 of which he also did on-call duty at the local hospital 2 times a week, and morning rounds every day, as well as running his practice...he finally burned out from the 80-hour work weeks and 30+ hour no sleep shifts, and cut back for the last 10 years to just the practice before retiring 3 years ago.
"zackiedawg" said:
He once owned a Porsche. ; He can sympethize. ; Besides, I snapped that shot on my way to St. Petersburg for a work convention...so I was doing it for the job! ; :)

You were in town and you didn't stop by to say hello?! How Rude! ;)