Craig...I'd probably have to go cry in my room for a day if I had to give up that 55 Chevy. ; Ouch! ; Van looks like a beast too.
Erich...the 944S was underrated - that was a serious car. ; Porsche had a hard time getting the 924 over to the air-cooled rear-engine traditionalists, and the 944 was a nice evolution...the 944S was really getting it all right, but then they pulled the plug on that line not too long after.
I had a friend whose father had a hydraulic shop, and we would use the place after hours to restore old cars for minor profit during and just after high school. ; Started with a 66 Mustang, and an old Ranchero...but eventually got into Euro. ; A lovely 77 911 Turbo that had some hard years put on it, and a late 70's Bavaria 3.0. ; We never rally made much profit on the ones we sold, but learned a lot about cars, and as young whippersnappers, got to drive around in some very cool cars which looked great (even though we knew we were sitting on fruit crates on a naked metal floor with wind and debris shooting up through the shift hole). ; My friend still has that 77 Turbo...and is still working on it 16 years later to keep it running. ; Fun car...though a bit twitchy and anxious to bring its butt around on every turn if not careful (those were the days before Porsche started taming the rear engine 911 into a more benign and predictible still had its edge then!).
No AP calipers on mine...believe it or not, stock (the 'top of the line' VR6 4motion has beefed up brakes to begin with). ; Pads are EBC Ceramic Red Stuff though!)
Erich...the 944S was underrated - that was a serious car. ; Porsche had a hard time getting the 924 over to the air-cooled rear-engine traditionalists, and the 944 was a nice evolution...the 944S was really getting it all right, but then they pulled the plug on that line not too long after.
I had a friend whose father had a hydraulic shop, and we would use the place after hours to restore old cars for minor profit during and just after high school. ; Started with a 66 Mustang, and an old Ranchero...but eventually got into Euro. ; A lovely 77 911 Turbo that had some hard years put on it, and a late 70's Bavaria 3.0. ; We never rally made much profit on the ones we sold, but learned a lot about cars, and as young whippersnappers, got to drive around in some very cool cars which looked great (even though we knew we were sitting on fruit crates on a naked metal floor with wind and debris shooting up through the shift hole). ; My friend still has that 77 Turbo...and is still working on it 16 years later to keep it running. ; Fun car...though a bit twitchy and anxious to bring its butt around on every turn if not careful (those were the days before Porsche started taming the rear engine 911 into a more benign and predictible still had its edge then!).
No AP calipers on mine...believe it or not, stock (the 'top of the line' VR6 4motion has beefed up brakes to begin with). ; Pads are EBC Ceramic Red Stuff though!)