Zeiss announces their 70-200/2.9 zoom lens. (Manual focus only)


Staff member
http://photorumors.com/2012/04/16/carl- ... t=FaceBook

It will only set you back $19,900; but that is probably a steal if you want the infamous Zeiss color and microcontrast.

The page only hints at it, but in the footnotes this lens will be available in the major mounts that Zeiss adapts to.*

Probably means Sony A-mount is out unless Sony issues a Zeiss branded AF zoom, which won't cost this much. ; But NEX users, you seem to be in luck!
You lost me at manual focus only then I jumped off the cliff at the price point.
We should start a ... "If you had $19,900, you could buy the Canon 800/5.6IS, the EOS-1D MkIV, a 2X EOS Teleconverter, and a $500 B&H Gift Card. ; Or you can get the Zeiss 70-200 zoom." thread
Actually, it's likely to be in Nikon mount, maybe Canon, far as I can tell. ; Oddly despite Sony and Zeiss' tie-together, the independent manual Zeiss glass has never been made for Sony mount. ; Sony gets independently designed Autofocusing Zeiss lenses, but the manual high-end stuff is usually restricted to C & N.
"zackiedawg" said:
Actually, it's likely to be in Nikon mount, maybe Canon, far as I can tell. ; Oddly despite Sony and Zeiss' tie-together, the independent manual Zeiss glass has never been made for Sony mount. ; Sony gets independently designed Autofocusing Zeiss lenses, but the manual high-end stuff is usually restricted to C & N.

By using the interchangeable mounts for PL, EF, F, MFT and E, the Compact Zoom CZ.2 lens can be easily adapted to numerous camera systems and ensures compatibility with future cameras as technology changes.

Read more on PhotoRumors.com: http://photorumors.com/2012/04/16/carl- ... z1sEhpbxQs

PL is the industry standard for cinema lenses. ; Heck even Canon makes an PL lens EOS-1D now!
EF is Canon EOS
F is Nikon
MFT is Micro 4/3
E is NEX

Zeiss introduced the last two adapters last year at NAB.