You've Got a Friend in Me... If you can find me! (SOLVED)

Re: You've Got a Friend in Me... If you can find m

Toy Story Mania would be too obvious (I think) about All Star Movies?
Re: You've Got a Friend in Me... If you can find m

You are all incorrect. ; This one is a bit difficult. ;
Re: You've Got a Friend in Me... If you can find me!

I was going to guess the mural at Pizza Planet, but the wall looked too rough to be that...

This is a wild guess, but is it in Mickey's Star Traders?
Re: You've Got a Friend in Me... If you can find me!

michael is in the right park, but not in the right area. ; this one is very dastardly on my part (there were no clues in that sentence).
Re: You've Got a Friend in Me... If you can find me!

is it a hand painted original at the art store on Main Street? ; Looks like the lumps and lines fit with canvas paintings.
Re: You've Got a Friend in Me... If you can find me!

getting much warmer but not quite there yet.
Re: You've Got a Friend in Me... If you can find me!

Is that painted on a construction wall in Tomorrowland? ; Possibly at the Noodle Station?
Re: You've Got a Friend in Me... If you can find me!

Is it a new advertisement somewhere for Toy Story 3? ; Perhaps a construction wall near the Fantasyland expansion ( if its even begun)? ; Hows that for a precise guess!! ; :D
Re: You've Got a Friend in Me... If you can find me!

TTA as you go through Space Ranger Spin... ; Or somewhere in Exposition Hall.
Re: You've Got a Friend in Me... If you can find me!

you might be onto something, red, but what is it?
Re: You've Got a Friend in Me... If you can find m

Okay, since I gave two options, I guess I have to make two explanations. ; One, if it is on TTA going through Space Ranger Spin, then I am thinking it is an ad for Pizza Planet. (I think they had Posters and such on that TTA portion). ; Two, if it is in Exposition Hall, I was thinking that they had backdrops you could stand in front of to take a picture of yourself in that Character background. ; Yes, No, Maybe?
Re: You've Got a Friend in Me... If you can find me!

Hmmm...I'm thinking the Exposition Hall part. ; I can't remember that poster in the TTA near Space Ranger Spin. ; Then again, I don't remember it in Exposition Hall either - but that sounds like a good guess!
Re: You've Got a Friend in Me... If you can find me!

it is in the back of expo hall, in the theater area with the cutouts from various disney movies. ;