Okay some of you may have seen this on my facebook (or on DISboards or on WDWmagic) but I've hit a wall (luckily figuratively not literally). ;

On Monday, when I got back to work, one of my kids was telling me how he went parasailing in Mexico (but his Dad was too scared ; ;D) and I was showing him some of the shots I got of the parasailers on Bay Lake on my Shutterfly page. ; Some of the other kids noticed some of my castle pics so I had to bring those up to. That lead to showing them a video of Summer Nightastic Fireworks, to a video of Pirates, to a video of the dragon of Fantasmic. Needless to say my kids are kind of hooked on Disney.

So I've decided to take the plunge and do a Disney World theme for a week. ; I don't want this to be silly Mickey all over everything. I want it to be academic but fun at the same time.

Here are the few ideas I've come up with.

A Haunted Mansion ghost search. Each ghost hanging around the room (possibly painted with glow in the dark paint!) will have dots on it. ; The kids will have to count the dots, then find the matching ghost on their paper and write the number.
Were also going to look at some of the Stretching room portraits and do some "Critical Thinking". While the bottom of the pic is covered up, I'll ask them what they think is going on in the rest of the picture.

Enchanted Tiki Room - apparently the original hosts of the Tiki Room (before Zazu and Iago were added) had feathers that were the same color as the country they are from. The kids will look at pictures of the birds and try to match the country.

A Peter Pan game - players start at the Darling house and move to each star on the game board as they answer questions about things we've learned about this year, the goal being obviously Neverland.

Possibly a hidden Mickey page.

My co-teacher says I could create splash mountain out of our playground slide (turn the hose on!) And Ive been eyeing the sit and spins as teacups but I'm not sure how to decorate them like teacups!

And of course....Glitter fireworks!

I have 4 days to teach - preferably 2 activities a day and my plan is to keep it just to Magic Kingdom. ; My kids are 4

Ive also been thinking about telling them a little bit about Walt Disney. Maybe having a little drawing lesson and have everybody draw Mickey then hang all their drawings up!

But right now I'm kind of stuck - any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
world showcase to highlight different world cultures. ; maybe something with flags and a map.
Tim, sticking with just Magic Kingdom. But going with the countries thing with either Tiki Room or Small World.

Speaking of Tiki Room -Someone told me the 4 original hosts (Michael, Jose, Fritz, and Pierre) had feathers the same color as the flags of their countries. But I think those people are on crack. While some of their feathers are the right colors, there are other colored feathers in there!

Anyone have some good pics of these 4 birds?
I would probably go with IASW for the countries thing. ;

I've got a good one of Michael:

from wikipedia... ;

"...It houses a Hawaiian-themed musical show "hosted" by four lifelike macaws ; whose plumage matches their implied countries of origin. "José" is red, white and green and speaks with a Mexican accent, voiced by Wally Boag; "Michael" is white and green with an Irish brogue, voiced by Fulton Burley; "Pierre" is blue, white and red, and has a French accent courtesy of the voice talents of Ernie Newton while red, black and white "Fritz" has a German accent provided by Thurl Ravenscroft..."


"...The main birds have changed color over the years. In 1965, the four host birds had almost identical plumage of white, green, yellow and blue..."
IASW would focus on the world and cultures. ; And it's in MK. ; Now I know MK's doesn't have the new boats ; ::) ... yet.
Thanks Tim. Way to not help me Disney! Okay I think I'm going to do the culture thing with Small World (my goal is to find dolls dressed in the country's colors)...although that ride freaks me out after reading Kingdom Keepers!

But we may color parrots and name them a la Tiki Room!