Would You Ski this Course? (SOLVED - Colleen Marie)

I fell from my skis and hit my head and don't know where I am...

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Re: Would You Ski this Course?

sorry, lemme help. outside standing area of tiki birds?
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Re: Would You Ski this Course?

Skis huh? Maybe is it from Summit Plummet? If it is I wouldnt know cause Im too chicken to experience it!
Re: Would You Ski this Course?

Ok, I'm thinking we need a hint. Is it a water park?
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Re: Would You Ski this Course?

The turquoise color on the ceiling boards reminds me of Blizzard Beach.
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Re: Would You Ski this Course?

The reference to "course" could be golf course... Winter Summerland?
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Re: Would You Ski this Course?

Okay, I guess I screwed up in titling it "Would you ski"... It kinda fits, but I figured that with Black Diamonds (and a difficult Ski route is a BLack Diamond) I would title it that. Anyway, no, it is not one of the water parks or the mini golf course. I know that I am dancing around giving out an actual clue, but it is a tactic I have to resort to.
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Re: Would You Ski this Course?

I see a reflection like you are behind glass...

are you on the monorail, maybe outside of the Poly?
Re: Would You Ski this Course?

so was the "dancing" around and "resorting" to such tactics too much of a clue? It is outside the Poly, however, it is from the Magical Express Bus and not the Monorail. It was the first photo I took explicitely for the "Where Am I" boards.
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The reflection told me transportation,

(I was gonna ask you if you were in a car or on the monorail, totally forgot it could be a bus)

the color scheme and portico roof told me Poly~

Great job RO!