Woman dies after fall from Orlando hotel balcony

Associated Press - December 31, 2008 2:34 PM ET

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) - A 29-year-old woman fell 16 stories to her death from the balcony of an Orlando hotel room.

Authorities say Nicole Hammond checked into the Marriott World Center near Walt Disney World with her boyfriend Tuesday evening. Hammond was standing on the balcony just after midnight and her boyfriend was in the room when he told authorities he heard a scream. The boyfriend said he went to the balcony, saw she had fallen over and called 911.

Orange County firefighters declared Hammond dead at the scene.

It's unclear what caused the 160-foot fall. Investigators have not yet determined whether the death was an accident, suicide or a homicide
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Why am I suspicious????

Just like the woman who "fell" overboard from the balcony of her cruise ship cabin....