Wi-Fi Help/Ideas

Ok, notsure what is going on with my wi-fi, but for some reason I cannot connect to TMIP while on my wi-fi network. ; Even my macbook has problems. ; Currently the only way to connect is to use either my iphone or ipad and turn off the wi-fi. ; The only thing that has possibly changed is that my external hard drive crashed recently and I moved a network connected drive from being connected to the network directly, to being connected to my macbook (while I reload my backed up photos). ; Any ideas other than moving the hard drive back to its original location (which I am unable to do just yet). ; All help/ideas is appreciated.
Are you able to visit any other websites while on wifi? ; Honestly it sounds like a DNS issue.
Yes, I can access pretty much everything else. ; I just get a message saying the sight timed out whenever I try to access TMIP thru wi-fi. ; Again, no problem if I use cellular data.

Sent from my iPhone...
Whenever something wonky like that happens I unplug my cable model a minute or 2, then let it reboot and require the connection.
Red, it still seems like a really wacky DNS issue. ; Almost like it is trying to route the traffic through a server that is having issues, and so the 3G connection goes a different route. ; I would have to lookup how you can do a trace route in Mac OS, but I would do what Erich said first to see if that resolves it.
i had this same type of issue about 3 months ago, out of nowhere my home wifi cannot connect to tmip, no problems with any other sites including some 2 year old links that i couldn't even remember visiting, never did solve this, eventually i just bit the bullet and paid for the apple router. and last month tim had the same issue, now he also had the netgear router, a different model i believe, but still the same no go. i don't know what his ultimate solution was. my attempt at fixing involved everything possible, unplugging and changing every possible cable, calling my internet provider, calling cust service at netgear, who kept insisting it was a problem in my mac. not likely, i do not think 2 seperate macs would develop the same connectivity problem 3 days apart, esp since the mac air was in it's bag and turned off for the first 3 days the base mac had the issue. all netgear could mnage was insisting it was the mac, and that i could buy their service plan that would cure all my ills, and the less likely i became to close the deal, the faster the price dropped.
I will check with Sean as I think it's the IP address getting blocked due to the firewall on his server. ; He has the settings pretty high to prevent outside attacks and sometimes it blocks the wrong ones by accident. ;

Red, go to whatismyip.com and let me know what comes up.
Your IP Address Is: 75.249 .93.99
No Proxy Detected
So far....
1) unplugging and restarting router
2) network drive that was moved is back to old location.
3) trying to connect through all three devices (iPhone, iPad & MacBook) all fail when using wi-fi.
4) iPhone and iPad work fine when using cellular data plan. ; Am not able to try laptop same way.
5) cleared caches and restarted devices to no luck.
According to the screen on my iPad settings, my IP is ; So not sure which is correct (as i went back to "whatismyip" and it gave me a different number.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Both of these are when using my Frontier Communications Wi-Fi. ; I could access them easily when switched over on my cellular data service. ; Would this need to be something I should be talking to Frontier about as well?

Sent from my iPhone...
You tripped the firewall on the server. ; I sent your ip address to Sean. ; Hopefully he can clear you up soon. ;
Talking to Your ISP, or at least sending an email to their tech support, wouldn't hurt. Something obviously changed on their end also if it was working, then stopped.