Which lens should I rent?


My family a I will be taking a trip to WDW this December and I'm debating between the 50mm 1.4 and the 85mm 1.4 to pair with my D700 for getting some pics of the dark rides. ; Anyone have any experience with these lenses or have advice on which would be the better focal length? ; Last time I was at WDW sadly all I had was a P&S. ; Thanks.

Welcome to the forums Dan.

Which dark rides?

I would recommend either the Sigma 50/1.4 or the new Nikon 35/1.4, assuming it's available before your trip. ; The 85 is more useful for shows where it's dark and you aren't moving, like the Tiki Room or maybe the Country Bears. ; It's a little long for most dark rides, especially for the first time shooting them...
I'd like to get pics on as many dark rides as possible. ; In reviewing my previous trip pics I noticed that I don't have anything from any of the dark rides ; :'(. ; This time I will be better prepaired.
Thanks so much. ; I'll have to check out the 35mm and then make my decision between that and the 50mm. ; Now if ; I could only stay for an extra few weeks so I could get most of the pictures that I'm looking for. ; It will also be a lot of fun to see my son experience Disney as it will be his first time!
"DJGerber" said:
; It will also be a lot of fun to see my son experience Disney as it will be his first time!

That is the best! ; I still remember my son's.[nb]@ 7 days old[/nb] ; Anyway, lensrentals isn't listing the lens yet but Nikon's press release says it's due to be released on 11/19.
"DJGerber" said:
It will also be a lot of fun to see my son experience Disney as it will be his first time!
Speaking from personal experience. ; Before kids I averaged 1000 pics/day. ; When we went to Disneyland in May which was our kids first trip to a Disney Theme Park, my average went down to around 400 pics/day. ; It was very hard to help with the kids and take random pictures. ; The pictures started to become mainly of the kids and my pictures inside rides and of things became relatively few.

I won't be able to pick that up again until the kids are a bit older and need less work getting them through the parks.

My kids are 7 months and 29 months.
I'll second Roger's opinion on lenses. ; The 85mm is nice, but it only useful for shows like CB or COP. ; I have also used it for a couple of closeups of scenes on POTC and HM but not that often. ; Because of that, I would probably get the 50mm. ; Enjoy the trip.
For example, here's one with the 85/1.2L on a 1.3x crop:


Useful for the "you've taken pics on this ride many many times before" shots. ; But not most of the time. ; Didn't think about COP if you sit close enough to the stage, I'd probably use a 70(80)-200/2.8 for that show!
Thanks everyone for the help. ; my son will be 20 months when we go so I'm expecting that my wants for pictures will greatly fall behind having fun with him and taking pics of him enjoying the parks. ; My hope is that during naps or after he goes down for the night I'll be able to get out and shoot a bit more. ; The nice part about this trip is my mother is also coming along to help watch Alex. ; I don't know who is more excited about his first trip, my wife and I or my mother. ; As long as I keep in mind that schedule is dictated by my son it should be a very enjoyable trip. ; Seeing that I won't be able to get all the pics I want just means that I'll have to come back. My parents always told me that taking your kids to Disney is a whole new experience that made time in the parks even more special. ; Can't wait.