Where's this strange symbol? (SOLVED)


Staff member
What is this...the Dharma Initiative? A sign for aliens? A strange dart board?

Never no mind what it is...the question is...WHERE is it?

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Re: Where's this strange symbol?

hmmm. something us telling me outside of the tiki room.
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Re: Where's this strange symbol?

Not in Canada, Craig...good guess though.

Tim - it's not on the outside of the Tiki room...but you're definitely warm!
Re: Where's this strange symbol?

Very very close, Cooleo! You and Tim are about the same distance away, and closing in!
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Re: Where's this strange symbol?

is this on the post outside the traders station by the bathrooms and across from the tree House?
Ah ha! I think someone's nailed it! That's about as close as I can ask for...this is just a little past the store/trader station, near the archways from the bathrooms...and it's on the posts of the archways on the side of the building.

Nice work!

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