Where'd Elvis come back as a Plant? (SOLVED)


Staff member
Who might know where to find this happy little plant, which seems to be channeling his inner Elvis Presley:

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Re: Where'd Elvis come back as a Plant?

I know this isn't right, but for some reason the second that I saw this shot, the Veggie Veggie Fruit Fruit song popped into my head. ;)
Re: Where'd Elvis come back as a Plant?

no jeff, it's one of the sidemen for chubby cheddar's band
Re: Where'd Elvis come back as a Plant?

and to me, it reminds me of something I might have seen on the "Living the Land" tour or the "Behind the Seeds" tour at the Land Pavillion.
Re: Where'd Elvis come back as a Plant?

It doesn't look like the dancing flower in the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster pre-show.
Re: Where'd Elvis come back as a Plant?

Nope...not any of those places so far. ; Not in Land, not at Rock n Roller. ; You guys might have to do some research to find this one - it's in plain view, not hidden...I can tell you that.
Re: Where'd Elvis come back as a Plant?

how about the Research Building on the Pangani Forest trail... ; It looks like speakers in the background and that is one of the few places I recall seeing a radio (along with your research clue)
Re: Where'd Elvis come back as a Plant?

Not there...good guessing though. ; You warmed up a bit over the previous guesses.
Re: Where'd Elvis come back as a Plant?

research.... ; how about rafiki's planet watch?
Re: Where'd Elvis come back as a Plant?

Not at Journey...but Tim just threw a log on the fire and warmed things up in here quite a bit! ; Can you be more specific?
Re: Where'd Elvis come back as a Plant?

inside of the main exhibit hall where they have the see-thru surgery windows and the like.
Re: Where'd Elvis come back (SOLVED)

Jou got it mayn! ; It's in the window right next to the surgery room, where they have the lab stuff and the two computer stations.

Nice guessin!