where will I go through customs?

We're flying from Kelowna, BC to MCO on Nov 27th.

We're flying west jet, changing planes in Winnipeg. The flight WS 1336 is direct from Winnipeg to Orlando.

Where would I go through US customs? Winnipeg or Orlando?

please help - I just want to be prepared flying with 3 kids....
You will go through customs when you arrive in Orlando;
coming home, you will go through customs in the first canadian city you arrive in

(please correct me if I am wrong - this is what I remember from our trip)
You would clear customs in Winnipeg. I'm in Winnipeg and we always clear here unless traveling to a different Canadian city first.
we flew Ottawa to Washington to Orlando on way down - cleared customs in Ottawa, as we were entering US right away. ; On return trip, we flew Orlando to Charlotte to Ottawa. Cleared customs in Ottawa as that was where we entered Canada.

You should clear US customs in Winnipeg and then when you return to Canada the first Canadian City you land at will be your Canadian customs visit. ;
Oh just a heads up .. Winnipeg is a very bad area for landing and taking off, its always a windy city so you get a lot of bumps while on the plane.

I landed once from T.O to Calgary and we hit the runway so hard my tailbone was sore for 3 days.

I am surprised you were unable to find a flight from Vancity... anyhow don't want to scare you, I just like to know things when flying that way i don't think the plane is going to crash (I am a BIG baby when it comes to flying)
Winnipeg is my home airport and it can be bumpy the odd time. ; It is a nice little airport (soon to be much larger when the new terminal opens next year). ; You will clear customs in Winnipeg. ; Nice and quick though...they are the friendliest "Americans" around!! ;)