Where am I?

Sorry I was late on getting this posted but that darn work thing always gets in the way of what is really important.

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"jcvalenti" said:
My backyard ? Seriously - I have no idea (for once). Good job !

I was going to say the same thing. That looks like the kind of lawn "art" my grandpa used to make and annoy his neighbors
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I think that this is by the back lot tour, I do remember seeing it, but I can't remember exactly where it is. Then again, I could be totally wrong, but it was worth a guess. ;D
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hmmm... that would seem like a good guess because of the water tank scene but this one has me stumped.
This ship is a piece of lawn are next to the Turkey Leg eating establishment near Rockin Roller Coaster. It is behind the seating are toward the entrance to Rockin Roller Coaster. Here is another pic from the same area. Here in the back woods of Indiana, we this type of lawn art in a lot of peoples yards. My dad used to love making them.

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wow... we were not even close. nice one, jim.
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