What to pack & what to shoot

So I never really like going anywhere with a lot of glass and a few bodies. ; Not really sure if that is a good idea for animal kingdom. ; I plan on leaving the wife and daughter behind and having a day in the park by myself.

I personally love my think tank belt and can load it down pretty well (although it will mean 20 minutes to get into the park!). But I am wondering what everyone packs.

Today I shot at the Virginia living history museum and while I brought two bodies, I am thinking of bringing 3 bodies, one with my 70-200 f/2.8 one for my bigam and an ungripped t2i in a holster on my belt. ; Typically, I would bring my sigma 50mm f/1.4 and at least my 17-55. ; I would prefer to bring my 10-22 but do not always find it as useful as I would think. ;

I am just wondering what others have packed in and how and if I should be concerned about security (my equipment is insured though). ; I will likely bring my back pack so I can through my bodies in it when I go in and lea e, but I typically shoot and walk around with rapid straps, so my cameras tend to be visiable.

Also wondering if their is a must have shot list or a list of set up shots I should try in animal kingdom? ;
In the past I found that an APS-C body with the 70-200/2.8 w/1.4TC wasn't enough reach, so I've been trying to have longer reach with me at DAK.

I've only had one body during my trips to the parks; lens changes aren't that big of a deal - you know when you're going into a dark ride, or when you're shooting Fantasmic!, or when you just want the wide-mid range zoom. ; I wouldn't worry too much about security except for the lenses you aren't bringing with you....
First, love the Think Tank gear. ; My wife does not because it allows me to take so much equipment into the parks. ;

For DAK I always take my 14-24mm as well as 70-200mm. ; However, I have also started to take either a 300mm or my 500mm mirror lens. ; The longer lenses have really helped me capture the images I was looking for on either the Maharajah Jungle Trek or Pangani Forest Exploration Trail. ; Would love to take my 600mm in DAK but my family will not allow it ; ::)

I have not tried multiple bodies at DAK. ; Just never had the need to change focal points that quickly. ; I do carry a tripod when using the longer lens. ; Its not as big a pain as it might appear.

Here is one my favorite (not best) shots using the 500mm at DAK.

; ; ;

As far as must have shots. ; For me it is always the Tigers in Maharajah and Gorillas in Pangani. ; But lots of other stuff that will surprise you along the way.

Have a great time. ; Looking forward to seeing your images.
I have found on a cropped body, a zoom lens out to 200mm is plenty. ; I used the Nikon 70-200VR f/2.8 during last year's Pixelmania with much success. ; I crop as needed.


Sad to report the only Tapir at DAK died recently.

I once took the Nikon 80-400VR which got me some great close up portraits on the trails, too big and heavy for the safari jeeps.