Welcome bcbmom

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Sean&Karen, Apr 14, 2008.

  1. Sean&Karen

    Sean&Karen Guest

    Welcome to DisneyMagic bcbmom, So glad you stopped by to check us out. If you have a free minute why not answer a few questions so our community can get to know you better?

    1. What's your first name?
    2. Do you have a nickname?
    3. What Province do you live in?
    4. How did you find the DisneyMagic.ca forums?
    5. Age (or age range)?
    6. Marital status?
    7. Occupation?
    8. Favorite food?
    9. What vehicle do you have?
    10. Which WDW park is your favorite?
    11. Who is your favorite character in a WDW attraction?
    12. How often do you take a trip to WDW?
    13. Explain your user name/how you came up with it.
    14. How long have you been a Disney addict?
  2. Ham Ham

    Ham Ham Member

    Re: Weclome bcbmom

    Welcome bcbmom! Let the posting begin.
  3. bcbmom

    bcbmom Member

    Re: Weclome bcbmom

    Thank you for the welcome!

    No nickname
    Live in Ontario
    Found Forums through my obsession with Disney Planning!!
    34 (almost)
    Marriend for 13 years this year!
    Child Care Provider
    Chrysler Minivan
    Not sure until our Sep trip which park is my favorite
    This will be our first (of many I hope) trip as a family, both dh & I haven't been for about 26 years
    user name after mom to Brady, Casslyn & Brenna
    I have been a Disney addict for a few years now but our earlier trips had to be cancelled due to my husband being diagnosed with kidney disease/dialysis and finally a transplant. ; Now that life is seeming to get back to normal we are more than excited to finally make our Disney dream a reality. The kids are now 13, 12 & 8...sooo it will be perfect!!
  4. CameraGirl

    CameraGirl Member

    Welcome to the community bcbmom! ; I really hope that your trip this September is a memorable one. ; I am sure after 26 years that it has all changed, but you will love every single second of it. ;
  5. Miss Megara

    Miss Megara Member

    Hi ya Bonnie!

    WOW, fancy meeting you here. ;

    SO glad you found this wonderful Canadian Disney Website on the web, as it is a GREAT place to talk Disney!
  6. Northernmouse

    Northernmouse Member

    Welcome Bonnie great to have you here.

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