We bought a Wii


I am so excited. ; ;D We finally were able to get a hold of a Wii, from Futureshop. ; We ordered it yesterday so it should be here either today or tomorrow. ; I have been dying to play it. ; I did play bowling a few times and it was a blast. ; I am looking forward to actually moving a bit instead of sitting around and playing the video games.

Anyone else have a Wii? ; Any games that you would recommend getting?
We have one....got it about 6 months ago.....we love the mario party games.....so when it came out for the Wii we bought it...I think it is number 8....
Cool, I love the silly games so that one would probably be great fun for me. ; I am hoping it comes today since we just confirmed the order yesterday. ; I can't wait! ; It will be hard to fit in all the new fall shows with playing the Wii.
That's cool my wife really wants one I'm trying to hold out for a Playstation 3. We'll see what the prices are like around Christmas. Let us know how you like it.
Planning on buying one for my youngest daughters b'day next month. She'll be 9.

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Just found out that I will be planning some sort of Wii game tournament before Christmas. ; Large projector screen, lots of fun. ; Guess I should practice up so I can make the boys a bit nervous.
Your wife will really enjoy it. ; It is just a neat concept to actually have to get out of your chair instead of sitting there mindlessly. ; My family visited last weekend and they had a blast. ; Even my 77 year old aunt played.
Breaking news as of 11:40 EDT.

There are 7 Wii's at ; Best Buy, Bay & Dundas location in Toronto.

We now return you to you regular scheduled thread.

Breaking News Update


There are no more Wii's at the Best Buy Toronto location of Bay & Dundas.

Now back to my post.

Colleague of my wife pick one up for her kids,told DW about the Wii's at Best Buy. At opening BB had 20, by the end of lunch they were sold out.

DW wanted to know if she should head up on her lunch hour to pick one up. I told her not to bother.

I'm at home in Mississauga and checked Wal Mart, Best Buy, Costco.... SOLD OUT.

I did stop at EB games near Sherway Gardens. Jack Pot. Found a Wii system with one controller. Picked it up. They have 9 Wii systems left

SSSSSH don't tell the kids.

My DD woke up this morning, her 9th birthday. As usual my DW sets up a little scavenger hunt to find her presents. Little clues of where the presents are hidden around the house.

The last clue was to plug in a nd follow the ; a/c extension cord from her bedroom down the stairs thought the living room, kitchen, down the stairs again to the main level into the TV room and at the end of the cord was a Wii. She was delighted and started playing immediately

I set it up and configured it last night, made my daughter a Wii Mii, a virtual version of herself that she can play with in all the games, connected and updated the OS via the built in wifi.

Before school today she and my older daughter played bowling and tennis.

Looks like a lot of fun.