WDW iPhone/iPod apps

Bob D.

I did a search this past weekend for Disney World in the Apple iPhone/iPod Touch app store and was pleasantly surprised. ; Have any of you tried any of the WDW apps?

A few seem to be trip planners and guides, but I found a couple of fun ones more suited for repeat visitors. ; I've ; downloaded and tried WDW Times, WDW Trivia, and WDW Dining. ;

WDW Times isn't anything different than the typically operating hours sheets you find all over the resort. ; It's nice because it's always with you.

WDW Trivia is a trivia game with a little over 200 questions. ; It looks great and is challenging. ; I've been visiting WDW for 32 years and find myself missing questions :) ; I need to study... ; :)

WDW Dining is the complete menus for every restaurant on resort property. ; Handy little reference :)

I am curious to hear if anyone else has tried out any of these or other WDW apps.

I can't wait to see what Verizon and Disney are going to put together, and if the rumor is true, with apple bringing the iPhone to Verizon next year, this could prove beneficial to all iPhone users.
Actually, I just realized I don't have that app. I have WDW Secrets, WDW Dining & the 4 park apps. I will download WDW Trivia now. I'll let you know how it goes.

It seems like the Verizon rumor varies. ; It's hard to know what to believe. ; I've read in some places that Verizon would have the iPhone and in other places they would have some sort of tablet, like a larger form factor iPhone. ;

A tablet could be great. ; If done correctly I can see myself using it instead of a laptop for some functions.

It will be interesting to see what gets announced.

I'm waiting to see what sort of new iPhone gets announced at WWDC. ; Perhaps it will be time for me to upgrade my 2 year old iPhone :)


I hope you do better at WDW Trivia than I do :) ; 32 years of Disney trips and I still score low! ; They ask difficult questions :) ; LOL

Bob, glad to hear that they are not asking easy questions. ; Did Mongello put that app together?

I have seen some alterations to the Verizon rumor, and I have also heard that Microsoft is working on what they are calling an iPhone killer, but are talking to all phone makers and carriers as well. ; Maybe the tech shows this year will offer a little better idea of what is to come. ; I can tell you this though. ; I am up for a new phone in December, and if this iPhone rumor is true, I am waiting till January to get my new phone. ;)

I've never heard of the people that put out the trivia game. ; It's listed as being made by "Campbell/Gambill Design". ; The description of the application indicates questions are submitted by users, but the application doesn't seem to include this functionality.

Whoever is supplying the questions has thought of some difficult ones. ; Some almost seem unfair. ; For example, what year did POTC open? ; I happen to know that is 1973, but I don't know many others like this :) ; I'm having trouble remembering what I ate for lunch yesterday, so expecting me to know which ride opened in 1983 isn't terribly easy. ; LOL

I'm not sure if I believe Microsoft will have an iPhone killer. ; Microsoft just doesn't have a good track record with consumer electronic devices. ; They had a DVR which they killed, they had a watch (although large, seriously cool) which they killed, now the Zune which isn't selling well. ;

I wouldn't doubt some phone based upon Google's Android OS will give the iPhone some competition in the future. ; The G1 seems to show the OS is fantastic, they just need a little more power in the hardware. ;

This is an old thread, but I guess I can chime in. In the past week, I've been researching the iPhone and I'm just about convinced to switch, but I'm still under contract to Verizon until April.

I'm curious about the WDW dining app - how current are the menus?

Is there an app with park maps?

FYI, I've also been looking at articles online about Verizon's talks with Apple. The iPhone cannot be retasked to Verizon's CDMA network, and even if it could, it's unlikely that Apple would violate their exclusivity contract with AT&T. Instead, Apple currently has two new devices in development for use on Verizon's network, both of which have some iPhone-like capabilities. But negotiations are far from complete; having been with Verizon for 13 years, my guess is that Verizon wants to dictate to Apple which functions on the devices will be active and which will be disabled (as they do with all other phone manufacturers), and Apple ain't havin' any.
I downloaded the maps and the dining plan for my trip in May. The maps are excellent to have and tell you what the ride height is for each ride. Pretty handy to have if you don't have a map in hand.
The dining app is up to date and has a description for most items. It also tells you if the DP is available there.
Very handy apps to have for the Disney fan!
I have all of the Disney apps on my iPhone & like all of them. I haven't been able to try them out in the parks yet, but I find the Dining app is really good for checking the menus.