Water (Solved)

Re: Water

that would seem too obvious.
how about... ; queue line for monsters inc laugh floor, formerly the timekeeper queue.
Re: Water

What's interesting is that there is a dividing seam in the shot, running vertically just to the right of center...and everything on the right of that divided line is an exact mirror image of the left, but more compressed. ; It looks to be from post processing, not natural...so I'm assuming there is something being hidden over on the right that would give this away. ; It does seem to resemble the old Hydrolators from Living Seas - the color seems right...but I don't think so. ; Tim's could be right - I confess I can't even think of water being there right now!

My guess totally off the wall left field is hippo windows in AK.
Re: Water

Tim got it!! ; No post processing except some cropping. ; Got this while standing in line before the said No Photography.
Out of curiosity, what is that dividing line going down vertically, causing the compressed mirror reflection on the right?