Walking billboard


nope... just me and the kids.

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is that paulie from orange county choppers?? the wife and i are big fans, can we have your autograph??, please mister paulie??
Hey Tim, got to wear my shirt in January. Only problem was it was so cold, I didn't have much opportunity to have it uncovered. Although I did wear it as much as possible.
I found a pic of me with my TMIP shirt in France. I also wore it one other day @ DHS which was the day I got to meet up with Kiki & her husband Bill. We had such a Great time spending the day with them.
nice threads, leo, and a warm welcome back. kiki had some very nice things to say about you the other day.
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I just realized we all wore black on that day; it was not planned. That's what I like about photography, You never know what you will notice in a photo well after it was taken.