"Vintage" Tower of Terror Elements

very cool.
one of my favorite things in the nik color efx is all the different vintage settings.
this isn't nik efx. ; it's an action that i found online last night... runs right on thru and you're done. ; might even be able to 'fade' the photo by dropping the opacity a bit, similar to nik.
These are seriously cool!

Tim, I'm not sure I understand what you're stating when you mention it is an action you found online. ; Is it a Photoshop technique you've read about?

Sorry if this is a basic question, I'm still kind of new to this :)

bob, a photoshop action is a series of pre-programmed steps saved in a file (*.atn) that you can run on demand inside of photoshop to save you immense amounts of time and aggravation. ;
if you google "free photoshop actions" you will find thousands of them out there.
thanks, guys. ; i may be able to pull a few more tricks out of my sleeve with this action...
"Tim" said:
this isn't nik efx. ; it's an action that i found online last night... runs right on thru and you're done. ; might even be able to 'fade' the photo by dropping the opacity a bit, similar to nik.

Did you try this? I would be interested to see one.
here is the tower, with vintage treatment, at 72% opacity over a tan background layer...

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