Vintage Everest

Just a hunch (not near a PC with PSP on it) but Paint Shop Pro I believe has a tool for doing this with many options to choose from.
PSP Ultimate with the Nik Color Efex plug-in would do exactly what you are trying to do. ; Great treatment so far. ; I like the look and ; feel to this.
"Roger" said:
Just a hunch (not near a PC with PSP on it) but Paint Shop Pro I believe has a tool for doing this with many options to choose from.


I'm doing all post work on a Mac. ; No Corel for me. :(
Nice!!! Have you tried taking a grunge image & setting it as a layer on top of the photo, then you can set the transparency level where you want it? That is a method that works well if you have the means of working with layers.
Very cool shot. ; Love the old look to it and that it looks like you took this in Asia and not DAK. ; I see the Flickr worked as well.
"Brother Jay" said:
I absolutely love that shot. ; Is this post processed to this effect or something in camera ?

It's entirely post processed in Aperture 3. ; The majority of change came from the "vintage" preset with some heavy vignetting. ; I also sharpened up the mountain as well. ; Here's what the original looked like:


Granted this stuff is from my point-and-shoot days (recently left behind). ; I'm looking forward to tackling similar views now that I've graduated to a DSLR.


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