Hi - I always try first to book my Disney clients through Walt Disney World Travel co, rather than through a tour operator that acts as a middleman to wrap the Disney vacation package with their air, etc. ; Sometimes, it's better to go the latter route (esp. if CDN dollar tanking against US), but most times, it's just so easy to book thru WDW Travel. The reason being that you only need to put $200 USD down to hold the reservation, balance is due 45 days before you arrive, cancellation/ upgrade issues are a breeze compared to other tour operators, AND, the biggest plus - if a special comes on after you've booked, I can call and check whether there is availability under the special at your location. ; Most times it works. Sometimes, we smight have to switch resorts (e.g., All Star Music to All Star Sports). ; Obviously, if I can apply a special to a client's reservation, I do - I LOVE saving my clients money - why not use those hard earned vacation dollars you save with the special to add a meal plan, upgrade your room category, take in a special event while there, or just pocket it to spend while you're there.
I can only speak for my services (and perhaps there are other travel agents here to speak up for what they do for clients). ; I, personally, do itinerary planning, customized excel spreadsheets, and make dining reservations for clients too. I don't charge additional fees - I'm paid commissions by Disney, so you pay the same as if you book through Disney. ; But you get the extra tips, knowledge, and assistance of someone who's been there 17 times with her own family (trip 18 is now in the planning).
Use a travel agent, folks - we're there to help!