Tweet Tweet! Find the birdie! (SOLVED)

Re: Tweet Tweet! Find the birdie!

I missed this one, and it's on the tip of my tongue where it is....sheesh.
Re: Tweet Tweet! Find the birdie!

Not at Small World. ; Keep hunting.'s the tip of the tongue going?
Re: Tweet Tweet! Find the birdie!

Not in Germany...good try. ; Still cold.

I guess this is fairly unique...don't see something like this much around Disney. ; Keep hunting!
Re: Tweet Tweet! Find the birdie!

I am completely lost here. ; I know that there is a clue in there somewhere, but bluuugh... nothing
Re: Tweet Tweet! Find the birdie!

Well, guess this one needs some more hints. ; This very singular, unique object rests to the west, feeling at home on a street with a kindly spanish jewish man.
Re: Tweet Tweet! Find the birdie!

If your clue leads to the west coast, I'm out... ; Although I think I might get to go next year using my DVC points (finally)...
Re: Tweet Tweet! Find the birdie!

Nope...Adventureland is cold. ; And the 'west' isn't THAT far's east coast, but the location has connections to someplace on the west coast.
Re: Tweet Tweet! Find the birdie!

Well, you're warmer now...but it's not on the streets of San Francisco.

You've made it to the correct park (HS), and the western link (Hollywood!). ; Now, you just have to find the very singular, unique object at home with a kindly jewish spanish man.
Re: Tweet Tweet! Find the birdie!

"zackiedawg" said:
This very singular, unique object rests to the west, feeling at home on a street with a kindly spanish jewish man.

Would that kindly Spanish Jewish man be Sid Cahuenga?
Re: Tweet Tweet! (SOLVED)

Well it just might be the man!

Mr. Sidney Cahuenga (sounds jewish and spanish to me!), whose store sells many One-Of-A-Kind (singular, unique) items, whose name is that of a famous Blvd in California, and whose store looks much like a home.

This birdie can be found resting on the porch by the side entrance door (not the main entrance on Hollywood Blvd facing the entrance gates).

Good work, Dennis!