
I'm working on a write-up of the trip, and trying to get some of our better pics sized and uploaded for sharing (over 500 pics to wade through... so far I've gone through a little under 200 and resized & uploaded about 90, I think)... it's a challenge, though, 'cuz the evenings this week have been crazy and it's my first week at the new job, so my online time is kind of limited.

But I'm going to try to have it all done before the end of the weekend, certainly... hopefully earlier!

Overall, the trip was great... very relaxing... DH and I had a lot of fun. ; That said, we were disappointed with the hotel (based on online research and previous experiences), and had a few less than "Disney-esque" incidents unfortunately (like nearly giving myself a concussion on one of the busses... a note... if you're 6' or taller, don't sit on the upper level of the bus if you can in any way avoid it)... and one very odd one (we came back from the parks one day to find a crib in our room. ; We don't have kids.

But overall, it was a good vacation... very relaxing. ; Quite humourous to see people wandering in scarves, hats, gloves, and earmuffs in +8 temps *laugh*
I'm sorry to hear that the hotel wasn't what you were expecting ; and finding a crib in your room would definitly be very odd!

Glad to hear that the trip was for the most part enjoyable though! I look forward to seeing your pictures whenever you have a chance!
Can't wait to hear about your trip. ; So I am guessing by the mittens/earmuffs comment it was warm for you but not for the locals. ; That is always funny to see. ; Did you go to the water parks or was it too cold for that? ; Too bad about the hotel and very strange. ; Hope you had an awesome Valentines Day though.
Well... we're not really water-park people, and Typhoon Lagoon was closed, but I hear there were a few brave souls at Blizzard Beach.

We did take a few pictures of the Frost on Saturday morning ;) ; I'd say daytime highs started out the week at about 22 or 23, but by the end of the week were more in the 8-10 range. ; But we figured we'd pack for "Spring" to cover the most bases possible, so it worked out pretty well for us.

V-Day was decent... we had dinner in Paris ;)
Sounds like a great time... other than the above incidents (gotta wonder about that crib!). ; Looking forward to reading the details.