Tree of life garden at 11mm


Staff member
Taken with the tokina 11-16.
This shot took a long time to get!
using the 11mm and pointing it straight at the sign from a few feet away makes other guests assume they are out of the shot! I had to keep waiting to get the shot. It probably took 5 minutes at least. At one point I thought of giving up.
I would like to take this shot again in the future either at dusk, or with a prettier sky.

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Either that or do some sky replacement with this one.

BTW, I had a disturbing thing happen to me with my 11-16mm. I put it on my camera at AK and it would not autofocus. ??? So, I used Manual focus and took a few shots which didn't look that great. There's a reason I use AF. ::) Anyway, I've heard of others having the same issues. All my other lenses worked fine so it's not the camera.

Time to contact Tokina to get it fixed/replaced. I'll keep you updated.
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Did you clean the contacts on the lens? I usually do that with all of mine before and after a day's worth of shooting.
"mPower" said:

Did you clean the contacts on the lens? I usually do that with all of mine before and after a day's worth of shooting.

Okay....I've never done that with any of my lenses. How do you go about doing that? (Sorry, for the threadjack, Craig!).
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I use a q-tip and denatured alcohol. Turn the camera upside down, clean the contacts, then the same on the lens. :)
Eraser should work too. A real rubber one.
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"Craig" said:
This shot took a long time to get!
using the 11mm and pointing it straight at the sign from a few feet away makes other guests assume they are out of the shot! I had to keep waiting to get the shot. It probably took 5 minutes at least.

Great shot Craig. I know what you mean when I was using the 14-24!
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(the only problem with erasers is that the gold platting is VERY thin - you run the risk of rubbing it off or scratching it over time)

If you think OTHER people can be tough with the ultra-wides: The first few times my wife used the 10.5, she kept getting her OWN feet in the frame! ;)
thanks roger!
scott, no problem!

This is my third attempt at replacing the sky. this was taken last august during TS Fay, the sky is totally blown white in the picture. I keep trying to make it better, but I'm just not going to be able to make it perfect. Every time I replace the sky the leaves in the trees always leave to much white around them and it looks like crap. this time I used a gradient filter to change the color of the sky and used a control point on the sign itself to bump up brightness and color.
Hopefully, I will get another shot to do this again at wide angle in better weather.
Here's what I did get. It's not as 'crisp' as I think I could have gotten. Don't think I had the focus point in the correct place for the true hyperfocus look.

At 16mm...

At 11mm...

Mark, haven't cleaned the contacts yet. Will let you know if that works.
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Sad to say cleaning the contacts didn't work so I have sent the lens back to Tokina for repair/replacement this week. I hope it doesn't take them too long to turn it around.
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