Add me in, good sir!
I just managed to squeeze in a booking - man are the DVCs sold out that weekend! I had been fishing for a studio available Friday night through Monday night (9/28 - 10/2) but was shot down at every resort on Monday. I wasn't willing to spend the points for a 1-bedroom since it's just going to be me, and I'm just using up the last of my points for this use I was actually going to throw in the towel and pick another weekend in October.
Today, just for an exercise in futility, I decided to try again. Lo and behold - a studio was available at Saratoga Springs for all 4 nights! I tried to get my home resort at Boardwalk, but it was not available. But at least I got in on the weekend I wanted.
So...I'll be driving up Fri afternoon, staying at Saratoga Springs in a studio, and staying through Tuesday morning, then driving home at checkout.