If you have young children .... head to the Monsters Inc Ride at DCA when the park opens. The kids get to "scream" it open, and the loudest screamer gets a certifcate (or fastpass) to walk onto the particular ride all day long. My girls didn't win, but it was fun watching all the kids gather and scream ... a fun way to start the ride.
Also, if anyone is celebrating a birthday, there is a birthday celebration party you can book in the afternoons. For $10, each person gets a birthday hat, punch in a keepsake cup, and a decorate-you-own cupcake. Patty E. Cake runs the festivities, and it's capped off with visits and pics of Mickey & Minnie. http://www.mouseplanet.com/more/mm050412lp.htm
Oh, one more thing. If anyone in your group is interested in Build-a-BEar, you can get an outfit there that includes Mickey Mouse ears, Disneyland T-shirt, and Mickey Mouse hands for your teddy for about $10.
Disneyland is way different than WDW, that's for sure - and the dining plan is completely different. I had an ongong argument with a lady at my daughter's preschool that WDW is better than DL (she's a native Californian) - - but can you imagine, what a great ongoing dispute to have! ; We had such fun picking at each other.
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