Tim Devine goes on 'Tower?


Staff member
anyone who knows me knows that i DID NOT ever want to go on 'Tower... well, after finally facing my fears, it wasn't so bad!
Chimpin' ain't easy!

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Woo go Tim! Im the same way. About 15 years ago somehow my best friend dragged me on 3 times in a row...I was so sick after that. It tok me about 10 years to get back on it. I love that youre taking a picture -- how did it turn out?
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not too bad... will post later.
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you guys are great!
Tim is chimping
Roger has his up to his eye!!

Only at TMIP.....
Karen had a blast on that trip into the Twilight Zoneâ„¢.

Yes only on TMIP will you see two people taking pics on their Ride Photo!
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I road the 'ode to toxicity' this spring for the first time...it was a very smooooooooth ride and didn't jerk you around anywhere near as bad as what space mountain has become as of late. Well worth it...even if you don't like going upside down!
"mPower" said:
it was a very smooooooooth ride and didn't jerk you around anywhere near as bad as what space mountain has become as of late.

Yet I'm hearing that they AREN'T doing a full rebuild of the track like it's little sister had done a few years ago. (even though I know some people probably still want it to convert over to a character)

It probably needs it. Baby sister needed it. The only difference being the narrowers cars in Florida on 2 tracks rather than 1.
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I hadn't heard about cutting open the building for the refurb. DL's didn't need to do that. And of course the Peoplemover was already closed, I'm sorry the Rocket Rods, so nothing else was affected by the rebuild, except for the fact it did take 14 months.
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I'm more torn up about closing the peoplemover/TTA than Space Mountain!

Tim...good for you! First time I went on it...I didn't want to...but it wasn't as bad as I thought. I don't love it, or have to go on it, but if I have a bunch of annoying friends goading me about not going on any of the fast action stuff, I can at least give in and ride that one with them. But absolutely NO Rock'n'Roller Coaster. Uh uh...no way...never. Me and circles don't get along. If a ride goes around 360 degrees, I'm already queasy...if it does it again, clean-up in aisle 9! I can't even do Dumbo. I heard about the corkscrew turns in RnR, and that spelled the end for me.
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