Tiger Yawn


Getting just a bit bored with all the guests gawking at him.

"zackiedawg" said:
Just like a house cat sitting around on the couch. ; Except bigger.

A LOT bigger! ;

Thanks everyone. ; Once I saw him start I just kept pressing the shutter (was in single shot mode). ; He later stared me down. He was either annoyed with me or thought I'd make a good snack. ; ;)

"Paul" said:
I recall many shutters being activated during that time period!!

Paul, I took these when I checked out the animals before the TMIPer's invaded...er, walked down the trail to the tiger's lair. ; I was the only one clicking away and he knew it.
Thats right I do recall you had checked out the trail before the troops arrived...now that I look at my shots I see I caught a yawn, but from the side.

[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]
GORGEOUS shots! And lovely colors. Man. Those tigers are so beautiful. Now I want to get back to Animal Kingdom for some photo-snapping...
Thank you, Miss Manday and Scott! ; I have a whole bunch from December so instead of posting them all, I put a gallery together: Tigers (Most but not all taken at AK)
"cmbimages" said:
Great shot. ; Where you on the overlook at the entry to the tiger area?

That's were I was. ; He was resting straight across from me on the fountain wall.