Tiger Girl


This is the same castmember from an earlier post of mine, "Giraffe Girl". But here she has a different costume - the pictures were taken 2 days apart. Obviously, they're not stuck in the same costume day after day.

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i really enjoy the jammin' jungle parade... as long as i am not stuck behind it which makes exiting DAK very difficult. the music is catchy and the costumes and floats are really cool.
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My wife and I got stuck behind The Jungle Jammin' Parade twice in the same day when we were there in September. The first time was when we were coming out of Pizzafari then when it passed and they opened up the path again, we got stuck behind it when we were trying to get to the back of the park.

Fortunately, the second time, I had a better vantage point and was able to get some good pictures. Other than that
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You guys just need to make your plans so you don't leave right after the parade. I usually stay and watch the parade twice. After that, the way is clear!
For some reason, I have never once seen the Jammin Jungle Parade. We usually only do half days at AK, because it gets too hot for the kits ... so we never seem to be on a schedule to catch it. I'd like to see it, though - I hear it's cool. I get my fill of costumes at music at the Festival of Lion King, though - the kids love that one.
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after looking at this again, does she have a slight jennifer love hewitt thing going on? maybe its just the angle and the pose, or maybe i am seeing thing?
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