thinking of taking a trip next winter!


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Hubby and I were talking on the weekend, and we are thinking of taking a family trip to disney next winter!
I am so excited. Or son will be 3.5, and we want to go before he starts school, so that leaves us with next year!

We are thinking of going off season, probably end of january beginning of february!

No real reason to the post, other than me being excited!

does anyone know when the prices are released? I checked the website and it says they are only booking until dec 31 2010 right now. I won't book online, just want to use it for research.
"weemcp" said:
does anyone know when the prices are released? I checked the website and it says they are only booking until dec 31 2010 right now. I won't book online, just want to use it for research.

Usually, the next year's prices are released in early August ... specials usually October-ish. There's been the buy 4 get 3 special for the last 2 years - lots of room-only discounts too. The only warning I have is that this year and last year saw really chilly temps in late January.

You could always do a Fall trip - maybe with Free Dining. I always felt the Fall was the best with pre-schoolers (especially Sept because it's REALLY quiet). We can't do that anymore with school and rep play-offs, try-outs, and other programs starting up. Take advantage while you can! ;) It's a great age to go.

EDIT: Found the historical release dates for you: ... .html#rack
thanks - the earliest we will be able to go is January. We have some life stuff going on, and there is no way we will be able to go in the fall.
It looks like were planning on heading down for a visit at the same time. ; Were thinking the last week of January 2011. ; We'll probably book it the next few weeks.
We can't book anything yet. Need to get finances in order first. Hoping to be able to book at the end of the summer though. Right now, I just get to have fun looking around and dreaming!
Have you decided where you wanna stay yet? ; I find thats always one of the hardest decisions, especially when we love them all. ; We are partial to Anmal Kingdom though. ; Great for the kids....
Ideally we would stay on the monorail. We LOVED the GF, but I wouldn't mind trying out Poly either. The contemporary didn't interest me at all.

But, I don't know if we can $$ the deluxe this time around, so we may have to stay at a moderate. And, if that's the case, I have NO idea.
you can secure your spot with room only reservation, and then change it over to vacay pkg once 2011 prices announced. ;<Removed by Sean>

One point - I LOVE Grand Floridian - check out my website for last travel journal of trip their in Oct w. DD10 and DD3. ;We have often stayed at Contemporary, though - the BIG advantage is that you can walk to MK with toddler in about 8 minutes - which is a huge advantage.

It's so exciting to be taking your child to Disney - I think for their first time? ;Start watching disney movies now! ;Get everyone geared up! Enjoy!