How did everyone make out in last night's big storm (for those of you in southern Ontario)? ;
Lucky for us, the majority of the power had eased off by the time it got here. ; We had nothing more than a little rain and wind... with lots of thunder and lightning.
Not far from here, a community has declared a state of emergency. ; Sounds like a twister touched down and destroyed a hardware store. ; There are lots of trees and wires down across eastern Ontario. ; Thankfully, no storm related fatalities.
Lucky for us, the majority of the power had eased off by the time it got here. ; We had nothing more than a little rain and wind... with lots of thunder and lightning.
Not far from here, a community has declared a state of emergency. ; Sounds like a twister touched down and destroyed a hardware store. ; There are lots of trees and wires down across eastern Ontario. ; Thankfully, no storm related fatalities.