The big storm


How did everyone make out in last night's big storm (for those of you in southern Ontario)? ;

Lucky for us, the majority of the power had eased off by the time it got here. ; We had nothing more than a little rain and wind... with lots of thunder and lightning.

Not far from here, a community has declared a state of emergency. ; Sounds like a twister touched down and destroyed a hardware store. ; There are lots of trees and wires down across eastern Ontario. ; Thankfully, no storm related fatalities.
Lots of thunder, lightning and rain in Kanata last night! Our power went out sometime during the night.......good thing I was sick and couldn't sleep......or hubby would have been late for work
Wow, that sounds kind of crazy. ;I have heard that part of the country is in a heat wave. ;I can't imagine it being hot and muggy. ;Here in Calgary, it is actually colder these days with the mornings being like 5 to 10 degrees. ;Chilly!!

As far as the storm, holy cow, I can't imagine!! ;Storms come up really quickly here for sure. ;Just last Sunday, the temperature dropped 10 degrees in 15 minutes, the trees were bending so bad because from the wind and it was just pouring buckets of rain in a matter of minutes. ;Of course we had to be outside playing soccer in all this. ;I was froze by the time the game ended, but the weather system moved and it was nice after that.

Crazy how the weather is lately. ;I still have a theory that when that tsunami hit there on boxing day and moved the earth axis slightly, it has something to do with all this crazy weather that has happened since. ;
We got off pretty easy... torrential rain and high winds, but our power stayed on and no major damage (luckily, Toronto doesn't get tornado warning's too often... they tend to run the Niagara escarpment from Hamilton up to Barrie and bypass us)... I'm trying to convince DH to check in with his parents, since they're kind of in tornado country West of us (Stratford area), but I'm sure we would have heard if anything had happened (other than the annual flooding of their town)

My parents (who are east of us, but still in Toronto) said that the rain was coming down so hard and fast that the storm drains couldn't take it all in and the water on the street was about 1.5" deep!

But you know... it was still 23 with a humidex of 33 this morning when I got up... that's only about 3 degrees better than it was at that time of the morning before the storm *sigh*

I have a weather theory, too... archaeologists have found evidence of at least two major environmental shifts in the planet's history... consistant with a 'pole reversal' (North gradually becomes South). ; Magnetic North and True North have been getting father apart every year for the last decade or more. ; Obviously, an event of this nature would seriously mess with global temperatures and tidal forces... and probably plate techtonics (leading to increased volcanic and seismic activity, which in turn leads to things like tsunami) ; but that's been my theory pretty much since people started talking about "Global Warming" and the melting of the polar ice caps, but it's not very popular ;)