The Best Restaurant In Disney World

Discussion in 'WDW Resorts / Downtown / Rest of WDW' started by zackiedawg, Sep 18, 2007.

  1. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Ooh...controversial statement! ;)

    Disney World has lots of great ones - and I've tried them all. Many great meals and lots to be said for Brown Derby, California Grill, Narcoosees, Yachtsman Steakhouse, Alfredo's (moment of silence), Nine Dragons, Le Cellier, Maya Grill, Concourse Steakhouse, Chefs De France, San Angel Inn, and Artist's Point - all favorites.

    And when something more fun or informal is desired, I thoroughly enjoy Whispering Canyon, Ohana, Citrico's, Spoodles, Big River, Boma, Restaurant Marrakesh, or 50's Prime Time. Even just grabbing a top-your-own burger at Pecos Bill is great, or grabbing a chicken sandwich at Tusker House (moment of silence).

    But when it comes right down to it...the best restaurant in the DWorld is:


    Nothing compares to Jiko, the Cooking Place at Animal Kingdom Lodge. A tradition I just cannot pass up - worth every one of the considerable pennies it costs (yeah, it's pricey - but I've recommended it to friends from working-class to inheritance-rich...and all agree it was worth every cent). Since discovering it in 2003, I've not been able to resist returning to the restaurant nearly every trip - at least 3 times a year.

    If I may make recommendations...

    Try a bottle of fine South African wine - the selection is immense. Even better, try one of the rare local grapes called a Pinotage - only grown in South Africa. Spier and Graham Beck Old Road are both fine, rich, fruit & berry with hint of chocolate, red wines that pair wonderfully with any meats.
    For appetizer - do not miss the Kenyan Coffee BBQ Chicken flatbread. I know it doesn't sound like anything that belongs together...but trust me, it's sublime!
    For a's a tough choice. The Tamarind-braised shortribs are so soft they fall apart just looking at them, and are served over wonderful sweet-potato au gratin with an onion garlic sauce. And the filet mignon is unlike anything you can imagine, with a wonderful, rich red wine sauce served over the best macaroni and cheese you can imagine.
    If you are up for a dessert after all that - the pistachio creme brulee and White Chocolate Mousse pyramid (covered in roasted banana and pineapple,and tropical fruit sauce) are excellent.
    And you just cannot compare to the coffee - the best on the planet - Kenyan AA Dark Roast beans, fresh ground and served french-press on the table. If you like coffee rich, strong, with good oils and strong bouquet - Kenyan AA is the best.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  2. Craig

    Craig Member Staff Member

    I agree!
    We love Jiko. Our one dog is named Jiko!

    My favorite dish is the Lamb Shank over cous-cous!!
    Also, don't forget the special spiced butter served at the beginning.

    Sometimes, we will share the different flatbreads for dinner.
    We've never had dessert. But I do like to get the "Nutty African" coffee!
  3. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Would the other dog be named 'Boma' by chance? :)

    That's a great name for a just sounds right.

    Though I might be a little worried that every time my dog Jiko entered the room, I'd have those cartoon-like visions of him turning into a steaming lamb shank or rack or short ribs. ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  4. jcvalenti

    jcvalenti Member

    I've never been to Jiko - I may have to try it.

    I don't think I could ever agree on just one. Alfredo's for the tradition and fun, Le Celier for the food and wait staff, Prime Time Diner for comfort food and ambience. Those are the 3 we hit every time, without fail.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  5. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    I heartily recommend it. I agree with your other choices too - I visit them just about every time I go up there, and each does have its reasons. Jiko won't replace those three and the reasons you like them - it adds a fourth category: Uber-gourmet superb food, service, and wines for the upscale night out. Every once in a while, you have to pamper yourself!

    Oh, and make sure you say hi to Grandma Mary at the front counter when you go to Prime Time!! (see my thread in the Cast Member Shout Outs section to know why). :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  6. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    Nice shot angle. I wanted to try jiko the last time I stayed there but we went to Boma instead since the other wasn't available.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  7. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Thank you. The shot was a surprise - not that it's great, but it came out much better than expected under the circumstances. I had borrowed a relative's Sony H1 to play with the big telephoto capability (before I had my own superzoom) - this is a fine daytime camera, but a relatively poor low light camera. While sitting in the waiting bar for my table, I set the camera on my lap, tried to hold steady, and fired off a slow shutter shot to try to get the cool lighting and colors in there. I didn't expect the camera to do very well, and figured I'd have a ton of motion blur with a slow shutter handheld. But it didn't come out half bad...a pleasant surprise!

    Boma is very good too - but definately a different atmosphere and the food is less gourmet as far as sauces, sides, preparation, and presentation. Jiko definately delivers the 5-star experience.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  8. jcvalenti

    jcvalenti Member

    Okay, another question - is Jiko "kid friendly" ? That always affects our restaurant choices. We travel with a group that has about 6 kids under 11 in it. They're terrifically well behaved, but (for instance), while I'm happy to bring them to Alfredo's, I don't have a problem at all with Victoria and Albert's being "adults only".
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  9. Craig

    Craig Member Staff Member

    Jiko is very kid friendly. There are always families there. Plus, they do have a kid's menu. While the food is absolutely first class, Jiko still has that "Disney Casual" feel to it. It is not a snobby restaurant at all.
    The staff seems much more interested in you getting good food, than the looks of your group.
    One night Dina was asking questions about the food, and the server went and got one of the chefs. He talked to us for about 5 minutes.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  10. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Exactly...the food and service are 5-star, while the dress is 'nice' casual and the atmosphere is comfortable, not snobby. They only kindly request that you not wear shorts and t-shirt (though I've seen one or two people in there getting away with it)...most people just don long pants and a nice shirt, in the traditional 'business casual' look. Jeans are fine.

    Kids are in there all the's definately kid friendly, though as you mention about the well-behaved...I'm sure that would be appreciated since everyone is really enjoying the atmosphere and food. I must say, there are an awful lot of out-of-control kids running amok in the world and throughout Disney, but every kid I've seen in Jiko was incredibly well behaved. It seems the parents who know their kids will be respectful go to Jiko, and those with the demonseeds don't - as it should be!

    There is a kid menu - though I'd still encourage the kids to partake of an appetizer or two to get a taste of the African spices and cooking styles and broaden their palate!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  11. jcvalenti

    jcvalenti Member

    Well, if we go there it would only be after a whole day at Animal Kingdom in June/July .... so it's shorts or nothing for us. No way I'm wearing long pants in 100 degree heat and 99% humidity for a whole day just to look right for dinner !
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  12. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    You'll be missing out! You can always head back to the hotel after the day in AK, cool off, shower, change, head over to AK Lodge for a wonderful dinner, then hit West End afterwards for some late night music before heading back to your hotel. Or come on down in the winter when the weather's more pleasant...who wants to be in Detroit in the winter anyway? ;)

    I always go back to my condo from the parks before going to dinner anyway, especially in the summer. Probably because I sweat alot and have all my camera gear - I like to drop all that off, wash off, change, and relax. Since I usually bus my way to the parks using Disney Transportation, it would take a while for hotel to hotel transfers anyway - since I drive up to Disney it's easier to drive my car over to the AK Lodge for dinner. Since DVC members get free valet parking at any other DVC resort - and the AK Lodge is now a DVC resort - it's getting even better!

    BTW - I've seen people there in shorts - it probably depends on how late in the day and how crowded to determine how picky they are about pants. If you go earlier, you can probably get away with it easier.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  13. Dan

    Dan Member

    I've ALWAYS worn shorts when I dined at Jiko in the past. For a while there was the curious accepted fact that they stated a dress code but didn't enforce it, then it was announced that they were starting to enforce the dress code. Last year was, I think, the first time I ate there when the dress code was supposedly being enforced. No problem with my shorts or t-shirt, and other violations of the dress code could be seen in the restaurant as well.

    I cannot guarantee that they're not turning anyone away, and I have a backup plan because I stay at the Animal Kingdom Lodge, so if I'm turned away I can just dash back to the room and swap clothing, so I can afford to be a bit more casual (so to speak) in my approach to this.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014

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