Thank You for the reminder


I received an email reminding me i havn't been around for awhile. I've been deailing with personal issues.

As I wrote earlier, we went on a Disney Wish trip though the Starlight/Starbright Foundation. It was last week of august to ; Sept 12. We took all our handicapped children. Disney did indeed make this trip ; a Magical experience. A week after our return Kathleen, who had myotonic muscular dystrophy, had a heart attack and passed on. She was 20 years old. Upon refection she did it right and on her terms. She loved Disney World. She also loved Cinderella. The last trip in tune town, the disney cast members took us our of the line and streaight in to see the Princess's. Kathleen then just beemed with love.

It is comforting for us, that her last memories is that of the Cinderella and Disney World. We had her cremated in all her Cinderella outfit. The tiera, dress, ect.

I still have tears in my eyes while writing this. Thanks Walt for the Memories.

Paul ; :'(
, ; :'( so sorry about your loss but so glad your Kathleen, got to see Cinderella.
thank you for sharing with us,,,,,,my prayer are with u
Thank you so very much for sharing your story with us, don't think I'd be so quick to do the same. ; I'm so pleased to read that Kathleen's last memories were so wonderful.

We had her cremated in all her Cinderella outfit. The tiera, dress, ect.

I think this is beautiful. ; :)
Paul, our deepest sympathies on the passing of Kathleen. ; Thank you for sharing how your trip went and how magical it was for her. ; It sounds like she did pass away on her own terms and she is where she needs to be now. ; Hopefully you can take some comfort in knowing you, your family and Disney World made Kathleen's dreams come true and created wonderful memories for her.
Sorry for your loss. It was wonderful that some of Kathleen's last memories were happy ones.
Thanks for sharing.
Wow - what a story! I've known some loss in recent years, oldman, and it's never easy to deal with - but reading your tale is quite bittersweet - quite wonderful, and desperately sad at the same time. I heard a line on a TV show last week that when you lose a parent, you're called an orphan; when you lose a spouse, you're called a widow; but that there's no word for losing a child - it just seems to go against everything we know.

How wonderful that you were able to give your daughter that Disney experience, and what wonderful memories you'll have to cherish. But I'm so so sorry for your loss, and the grief you are experiencing.

I met a grandmother this week who has adopted and fostered a bunch of disabled children - in concert, and after, raising her own biological children. ; She, too, lost a child last month. ; My heart goes out to her and you. I don't know if there are support groups for folks like you, but it'd be neat if there were - there certainly should be a special place in heaven for you.

Be kind to yourself, and in your difficult time of mourning, when the loss can seem so all encompassing, try to focus on all the happy times when you can; and know that the good wishes and prayers of strangers are being sent your way!