T.J., Hollywood Tower Hotel Bellman


Staff member
Had the opportunity to photograph T.J., the famous bellman of the Hollywood Tower Hotel last week at the Studios. ; He is ALWAYS in character, and adds another nice touch to the classic attraction.



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that was with the sigma 50-500 OS. ; that lens is freakishly sharp, even when shooting wide open. ; a stunner.
not bad at all. ; probably used it 80% of the time when we were there. ; got some funny looks from people and was asked by security once if i was media.
it is rather heavy, but an amazing piece of glass. ; incredibly sharp and gets you into places you never dreamed. ; plus the OS really works well.
Love TJ! ; The last time we were there poor guy had laryngitis and his voice was almost completely gone but he stayed in character the whole time - even standing at the back of the library the whole time the video played with that odd look on his face. ; Later, he even loaded elevators giving the whole spiel with no voice. Poor guy!
"Tim" said:
not bad at all. ; probably used it 80% of the time when we were there. ; got some funny looks from people and was asked by security once if i was media.

I got that with the Nikon 70-200VR f/2.8 when I was shooting late at DHS last December.