Storms - what do you do?


I was just talking to a coworker about storms and it came up what our parents did with us when we were little during a storm. ; My parents didn't do anything, but make us terrified of thunder and lighting. ; It was until I met my DH that I actually get excited about thunder and lighting. ; When we were little my mom would hide in the bathroom (no windows) and my dad would sit out in the living room and watch. ; We had to decide to either go out in the living room with the big picture window or go with my mom and hide. ; That is what we usually did. ; Especially after one storm when the lighting hit the transformer right outside our house. ; I will never forget feeling that heat and seeing the intense light.

My DH and I got stuck outside in a tent during a huge thunder and lighting storm, we had no choice but to cuddle and listen to it right above our heads. ; Since then I have been wanting to watch lighting and listen to the thunder.

So the question is what did your parents do to make you not scared of the thunder and lighting? ; What do you do now?
Hmm... you know, I can't think of them doing anything in particular other than gathering flashlights and/or candles... except if everything was taking on that peculiar green tinge that generally happens only when conditions are right for a tornado (have you ever noticed that?) ; I'm not generally overly fond of the storms that pass right overhead... but that's mostly because I don't like loud noise at all (I'm jumpy, I guess *shrug*).

If we're out with DH's parents and a storm passes the area (not right overhead, but close enough to see the light show), we generally sit out on the front porch and treat it like fireworks ;)

I'd say if we ever have kids it'll probably be similar... prepare for a power failure, but unless things are ripe for a tornado (in which case, obviously seek low ground and arrange some distractions), just sit back and enjoy the show!

after turning off and unplugging the computer(s), of course ; (I lost a VCR to a lightning strike, even with a surge-suppressing power bar... unplug the expensive stuff during an electrical storm is the standard in our house ;) ; )
I try and ignore them!

I hate to be driving in them, whether I am the driver or a passenger.

My husband absolutely loves them, and so over the years I have become more accustomed to watching them; but it is not my favorite thing to do.
I'm with weemcp's hubby. ; I love them. ; Even the kids like a good thunderstorm.

As long as I'm not on the road, I love to watch the lightning flash and hear the thunder roll. ; Until this year, we haven't had too many tornado alerts, but when I do hear one when I'm at home, I run to the Environment Canada website and check the radar. ; We have a radar installation just outside town so we are dead centre on the map!