Step Aside Sir! (Star Wars)


Staff member
I got "yelled" at by this stormtrooper as he was escorting Darth Vader to his autograph location.
The characters at Star Wars Weekends never disappoint!

I cloned out serveral guests in the background also taking pictures to try to make this look less "touristy"

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How was the crowd? We were going to go there on the 29th when we were in Disney but decided to do something else. I'm SO disappointed that we didn't go ; :-\
thanks all!
roger, I still havent seen a Jawa, and this year I kind of got a shot of a sandperson during the parade.

the crowds were great! all the parks were pretty empty. I dont know if it was because school is still in or because of Gay Days. Next year we are definitly going during Gay Days if thats what causes light crowds.

the only problem with Star Wars Weekends is I only like the original trilogy. THere seems to be more and more dealing with the new stuff and cartoons, which I dont have a clue about.
I have used the excuse of being a teacher and not wanting to fly down for a few days as my reason for not going down. ; I think that I will probably bite the bullet and give it a shot next year. ; I have a long time to plan it out. ; I agree that the original trilogy is better but have kept up with the cartoon as well.
I know I posted it before, but who cares?

Sandperson right after he had blockcaded someone inside the ABC Commissary (door to the rear of the shot)


The Jawas were trying to barter with everyone. ; Their mustard packet for your....


Still bumming that we missed Star Wars weekend this year, we were hoping for the last weekend in June. ; The boys (and I would have loved it).
Yeah...the parks were not bad at all. ; The school thing, maybe Gay Days, and the weather might have had a part, but it was quite nice this past week. ; At times, the parks LOOKED crowded - lots of people milling about the walkways...but whenever you went to eat, go on a ride, check out a shop, or see a show, it just seemed to thin right out.

I am not much of a Star Wars fan (any trilogy), but any time something is going on in the parks, it's fun. ; And I have enough basic knowledge of the franchise to know what some of the characters are (having not seen any of the films) I can still get a kick out of a stormtrooper being aggressive and moving the crowd. ; Nice shot Craig - I didn't take any shots of them, but I was there when the stormtroopers were marching through and moving the crowd aside for Darth Vader.
Craig nice shot! ; I am dying to take my son to Star Wars weekends before they stop, and before he stops thinking it is cool. ; Don't see how that can happen. ;) ; I have been a fan since the original, AND I also like the new trilogy. ; I am also a fan of the cartoon. ; The story to me never seems to disappoint, and as far as the cartoon is concerned, it takes place between episode II and III and has really filled in a lot of story that they never had a chance to get to with the movie.