Star Wars: Episode VII


I am a huge Star Wars fan so I was super happy to know that Disney bought the rights to Lucas Films. The movie is coming out in the summer of 2015 and I'm crazy to go watch it with my kids. What do you expect from this movie? In what chronological sequence will it appear?
I would like to see a return to what made the original trilogy a masterpiece. At the top of my list is obviously a great, enduring story and all that. But I really, really want to see a good combination of CGI and practical effects. I want to be completely immersed in this universe the same way all our parents were when they watched the originals.
I'm a little cynical. I remember going to see the first (Ep 4) with my Dad when I was a kid. Movies just aren't as magical anymore. I will DEFINITELY go see it and am holding out hope it will be great!
I tend to agree with that sentiment. Hollywood has entered an age of casual wonder. I blame it on the poorly used CGI. It's best when it's used to complement existing effects. But no, most filmmakers would rather opt for the lazy approach, which the, "We'll fix that in post" mentality.

Right now, the director that's probably the best at sustaining that type of magic is Christopher Nolan. His movies have real stunts, and you can really feel the difference. Just watch his plane crash scene in The Dark Knight Rises (which was done on a REAL plane) and compare that with the car crash scenes in that stupid Olympus Has Fallen movie.

Another good one is Neill Blomkamp. Watch District 9 or Elysium and tell me there's no Spielbergesque wonder in that.

I hope JJ Abrams has the good sense to know what works (varied effects of original trilogy) and what doesn't (CGI-fest of the prequel trilogy).
You would think they'd go for a May 4th release. Play up that whole "Star Wars Day!" and "May the 4th be with you!" angle.