Squeezed in a 4-day weekend, Sep 16-20!


Staff member
I just booked myself a quickie last-minute Disney trip for that weekend, heading up Thursday afternoon and checking out Monday AM. ; It would just be too long away between my trip in June and Pixelmania!

Since it was last-minute, I just took whatever I could get - a lot of places didn't have all the nights I needed (no surprise with less than 30 days warning!)...but fortunately Saratoga Springs did - so I grabbed a studio there with a request for Congress Park (who knows if I'll get it).

I was going to pick sometime during September - since it's a low crowds month, cheapest DVC points month, and though still hot and miserable, at least the lower crowds make it tolerable. ; Had to avoid Sep 10 weekend, as that's Night of Joy - too many people there defeats the purpose of going in September! ; This will be a solo trip, just to go hang around, do some photography, and probably meet up my relatives in the area for dinner a couple of the nights.

So of course if anyone's in the area and wants to meet up in the parks or hotels for a little shooting time, let me know!
Justin, I am going to be back on the 13th for good. ; So, if you would like to get together for a little photo shoot or just to have a chat, let me know.
Cool - you're finally going to be official, huh?! ; I'm definitely up for some hanging out or shooting or both - I'm in full kick-back mode on this trip - no all-day-on-my-feet-from-morning-to-close stuff like last time we met up, when I was on my last of 5 days and pretty well fried!

We'll coordinate as it gets closer - see how your schedule looks - if you want to meet up any of the days or evenings either at a park or resort, to hit the parks and walk around, or just grab a bite and chat.
Sounds like a plan. ; I am off that whole week, as it is my transition week from my current job in NJ to my new one down there. ; The orientation starts on the 20th.
I've relocated...I had 40 extra points lying around in this use year, and it was either use them up on some short 2 day trip before Dec 1, or they're gone...since I've got a 10-day cruise at the end of October and Pixelmania beginning of December, with Thanksgiving squeezed in between, finding the time would be impossible. ; So rather than let the points die, I checked on the possibility of upgrading accomodations anywhere, figuring probably not. ; Lo and behold, a 1-bedroom villa became available at OKW for all 4 nights...and it would use up all but 6 of my remaining points to upgrade. ; Those OKW 1-bedroom villas are huge, so why not?! ; I made the switch. ; Won't be able to walk over to Downtown, but can still take the boat. ; And I've left a standing invite to my mother if she feels like getting out of town - we're casual family...we'll go up together, stay in the same villa, but she goes and does her stuff all day, I go do mine - maybe we do dinner one or two nights. ; My aunt lives up there, and those two like to go off and do the ladies' thing, hitting shops all day - so it's up to if she wants to go, and if her husband wants her to go (mostly for fear of the credit card bill she'll generate!). ; If not, I'll have a nice big space to myself to stretch out - a whirlpool tub to soak in at the end of the day, a big patio, full kitchen, laundry room, etc.

I'm already looking forward to it...it's been too long. ; Might have to christen the new pizza joint at Italy!
very cool guys!
We are checking in sept 19.
We moved our annual big trip from August to September hoping for lower crowds and still intense summer heat.

But, it already feels cooler down here in the past week or so.
"Craig" said:
But, it already feels cooler down here in the past week or so.

What do you consider "cool"? ; :)

Have fun guys! ; Jeff, I'll be in touch when my October trip gets closer.
Hey Craig...If you think you'll have time to do nothing in particular on Sep 19 once you get there, feel free to check up on whatever the latest we left off on this thread - Jeff and I will likely meet up once or several times, and I'd be glad to have a drink or a chat or a photowalk with you as well. ; If not, no biggie there either - as I mentioned, I'm 100% casual and unplanned this trip, so not having anything I 'must' do or anyplace I must be works very well for me.
I think living there is going to be great! ; I am gonna get to see all of you on a fairly regular basis! ; Scott, I look forward to it! ; Craig, it would be nice to see you and Dina, if only in passing, keep us posted.
Certainly as much of us locals as you can deal with - I know Craig and I both frequent the parks quite often - I'm usually good for 4-6 trips a year of 4-5 days each...depending on how I can work the vacation days at work (along with the big annual 10-day cruise, which sucks up the most vacation days).
Less than 2 days to go! ; One more LOOOOOONG work day tomorrow, then I'll see if I can take Thursday all the way off - or if I've still got some work to finish up first then leave later in the afternoon. ; Either way, should be up to Disney by 6pm.
Quick mid-trip report...

Just thought I'd use my late morning today to pop in for a quick report from Disney World.

Thursday, I got in around 4pm, checked into Old Key West, and after some haggling, got building 27, which has gorgeous wide-open views over the golf course, sits right on a bus stop (Peninsular Road) and is a quick walk to Hospitality House...great location. ; Love the 1-bedroom villas here - so huge.

Took the boat to Marketplace, walked around a bit, then worked my way via bus to DHS for some night photography (something I've actually not yet done there!). ; Nice clear weather - bit hot, but hey, it's Florida. ; Nice night shooting. ; Hit the Great Movie Ride, and closed the park. ; Took a walk down the Boardwalk path for some shots of the entrance from across the water, then bussed back to OKW.

Thursday, slept in until 9:00, chilled with some coffee on the balcony while watching some golfers slice into my yard, then after calling Jeff (PolynesianMedic) headed over to Animal Kingdom and met up with him at Dawa Bar. ; We did a Kilimanjaro Safari ride for some animal shooting, hit the Pangani Forest trail, a little relax and drink break at Drinkwallah, then wandered over to Asia for some shooting on the Maharajah Jungle Trail. ; Meandered back through Africa, then on to Pizzafari for late lunch...Jeff headed back home around 3:15 and I headed off to AK Lodge, and in particular for my first look at Kidani village. ; After wandering through both AK Lodge facilities, I took a bus to MK to transfer to the OKW bus, headed back to the room for a quick refresh, then off to Epcot for EMH night, and some more night shooting. ; Dinner was as yet unplanned...a bit crowded at around 8pm as to be expected before Illuminations. ; Did some entrance, SS, and Innovations night shots, then decided I'd give Mexico a try for a walk in dinner. ; Lo and Behold! ; The new Hacienda de San Angel on the waterfront was just doing a soft opening - walk in only - it only just opened yesterday...I gave it a go, and was told 45 min wait or longer, grabbed a beeper, and waited. ; 10 minutes later, beeper goes off, an dI'm being seated in the gorgeous new restaurant with sky-high windows overlooking the bay...and just 15 minutes before Illuminations. ; Let me first say WOW - great food! ; My queso fundido is back as an appetizer, the meats were superb, the salsas and seasonings excellent, and the mixed drinks were unbelievable (blueberry mango basil margerita highly recommended!). ; And we got the Illuminations show right in front of us through the huge windows - the restaurant turns down the lighting, and pipes in the music and announcers (attached photo). ; Most highly recommended!


Next, I worked my way around World Showcase, taking night shots. ; Got to Italy, and again with the WOW! ; When they added the Pizza restaurant, Italy has basically doubled in size. ; This is not just some additional pizza window, or a door entering a restaurant right off the former pavilion. ; Now, you get to the fountain, and Tutta restaurant, where there used to be a wall...and instead you enter a massive second courtyard nearly the size of the main one in the pavilion, and all the way to the back of this new space is a huge 2-story building which is the new Pizza restaurant. ; This is a major expansion of space for the pavilion (attached pic)


Wrapped up the night by photographing through future world, then back to the busses around 1am and back to OKW. ; Slept in this morning to 10am, and approaching noon, going to head back to Epcot for some daytime shooting. ; Sorry I've got no editing facilities on my netbook, so the above are just dirty resizes using Windows...better pics when I get back. ; Just wanted to share a bit about the two new spaces in Epcot. ; Tomorrow will me MK day, then Monday I head back home...I may pop on again later tonight or tomorrow morning. ; Hope noone's too jealous - best wishes from DW!


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Justin, I had a great time at AK. ; Definitely can't wait till Pixelmania to see everyone again. ; Great photo's and thanks for the update on the new restaurant and space in Italy. ; I think we are going to head over there tomorrow, but who knows. ; We'll decide in the morning when we get up and moving. ; Have a great day, and a safe trip home.
Thanks Jeff...It's quite nice to see the expansion in Epcot World Showcase - with as much extra space as they were able to add on in Italy, and the over-the-water expansion of the Mexico pavilion for the new restaurant space (which looks great too...it just makes the pavilion feel bigger), it gives me some hope that they may do the same with some of the others either expanding current pavilions, or even that little outside hope that a new pavilion might be in the distant future.

Anyway, yesterday was Epcot daytime, and then last night I hit a few resorts for some night shots and Downtown Disney afterwards for dinner and a little later night entertainment (music at Paradiso 37 was pretty good last night)...got back around 1:30am again, so it being around 10:30am today, I just woke up.

I'm thinking of starting off today in the heat of the afternoon by hitting a photo tour of the MK resorts, then work my way around to MK late afternoon so I can stay into evening. I don't want to do too late a night tonight as I'm leaving tomorrow....so I may wrap around 9pm at MK then come back to the room - if bored, maybe we'll go out for a round of minigolf.

Good to see you again, and Pixelmania should be a blast.
Justin, there is a thread on my other forum about rumors of a "new" pavilion in Epcot. ; I know it is probably a pipe dream, but the conversation has been interesting. ; It seems that it has come down to the favorites of Russia, Greece (everyone wants the CM's to wear toga's) and Spain.
I'm back...

Not that anyone seems to have been following my exploits except Jeff. ; ;) ; Just have spent the first couple of days back catching up at work, and nights processing all the photos I took up there. ; I totalled 680 shots, distilled down to 380 worth keeping, and further distilled down to 108 to upload online to share here when I get the chance. ; Weather was hot, but occasional breezes were pleasant, generally rain-free (slight 10-minute sprinkle on Sunday at MK)...parks not too crowded, but not empty either - free dining is ruining the old empty Septembers of yore. ; Still, never waited more than 20 minutes for the longest of ride lines, and many were 5 minutes or less (Kilimanjaro, POTC, TTA, Haunted Mansion, Mission Space, Great Movie Ride, to name a few).

Did lots of night shooting this trip - DHS, Epcot, Wilderness Lodge, Riverside, OKW, Grand Floridian, Poly, Contemporary, and Wishes from the Poly dock.

All in all, a fine trip!
I am eager to see what you got at the Poly Justin, along with all of your night shots. ; As discussed that is a new project of mine, I want to get it all at night. ; More challenging and when you get it right, I think they are better images.
Glad to hear that the new place in Mexico was great! ; It is on my list as a possible place to eat next summer. ; Cant wait to see more of your shots from your trip.