Sony announces NEX-5R, WiFi, apps, phase detect. AF and more


Staff member

Still 16 MP, but it adds WiFi. ; With another app on the Android and iOS devices, apparently using WiFi, you can download photos from the camera to your phone/tablet, and then use the apps on those devices to share them with the world. (Wish that was around in July 2001!)

It also has Hybrid AF - including on sensor phase detection AF. ; It accepts apps, although the apps are proprietary right now - it's not using Android OS like the P&S Nikon. ; But this is the first interchangeable lens camera with the ability to add "apps". ; I'll quote from B&H directly: "It is the world’s first service that allows you to download and install the specific features and functions on your own."
At least two of the limited apps they've mentioned so far sound very good and very important... ; MFNR (multi-frame noise reduction), which I've been hoping would be added to the NEX series (it's on all the Alphas and the RX100) which is much better than HHT (hand-held-twilight) because it provides 6-frame stitching in any PASM mode with full user control over all camera settings, whereas HHT is just a scene mode with all automatic preset settings... ; and Bracket Pro, which at least SOUNDS promising for what many Sony users oft complain about - only having a simple 3-frame bracketing mode with a +2 total EV range. ; If it does what it sounds like it will do, it should add a much greater EV range to the bracketing, and possibly more than 3 frames...and it sounds like it will bracket EV, ISO, aperture, shutter, and WB.
I found this camera a lot more intriguing than the Nikon P&S. ; First, it is a dSLR and takes interchangeable lenses. Second, the apps could make it configurable to a host of cool things. ; Being proprietary is the big down side unless SONY decides to create the first camera OS for others to use. Fat chance of that happening!

I wonder if there is an opening for a new company to enter the camera world which could create a market for such "gadgets". ; Apple? ; Probably not. ; Google might. ; Or a startup down in Silicon Valley could do it.
"Scottwdw" said:
Being proprietary is the big down side unless SONY decides to create the first camera OS for others to use. Fat chance of that happening!

They open-sourced the E-mount. ; Anyone can make adapters for it, without having to reverse-engineer them. ; That's why you see the fully electonic EOS-to-E adapters now. ; Nikon is easier without the electronics, but I know they are manufactured as well.

So it's possible - they may allow other apps eventually, you just have to go through their "store".
FWIW, one of the press releases mentions a sony site: ; that is not...up yet. ; So it should be soon.

The timed release is another interesting one as well. ; Imagine that camera! ; You don't need a fancy remote release to take those pics - just set your app!
"Scottwdw" said:
Oh, this was just announced today. ; Another android camera. ; This time from Samsung.

Interesting. ; They included a more recent Android OS, and supposedly you should be able to use Skype with it....the possibilities are endless now. ;

Can you post that photo when you get back to the room?

No, I can post it now. ; Lemme go in, sharpen it up, remove some red eye...did you want selective color? ; No? ; Okay...there....posting now.
Well the remote viewing and control is another app that could really be amazing...takes tilting and rotating LCDs to the next level - the LCD becomes your phone, therefore completely wireless and remote, so with the ability to trigger the shutter from the phone while also composing the shot means you can stick the camera places that only it can reach - even through holes or open windows, around corners, whereever you can think of, and still take shots. ; Or stick the camera someplace on a tripod and take photos from 50 feet away with the smartphone (think birds at a feeder, or self-portrait type shots where you can really stand back and compose yourself into the landscape or scenery, rather than always being within a few feet. ; Neat addition, I must say.
"zackiedawg" said:
(think birds at a feeder,

Above quote + Texas summer = Pure Win

The next question is - will these features be included in the NEX-6?
"zackiedawg" said:
composing the shot means you can stick the camera places that only it can reach - even through holes or open windows, around corners, whereever you can think of, and still take shots.

I see lawsuits forming already... :D

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