Something fun I want to try


Staff member
Has anyone used their polarized sunglasses with their cell phone camera?
Its something I am going to try one of these days!

I just want to hold my sunglasses in front of the lens
It would probably work. ; Just make sure that the sunglasses lens is tight to the cell lens. ; If there's even a small gap, you might pick up reflections from behind you. ; I had that happen once when I held a 3"x6" split grad ND in front of a lens with a scalloped hood. ; The gap created by the scallops let just enough light in that I ended up with some ghosted reflections that ruined the shot.
Why not try a smaller sized circular polarizer? ; They make them for camcorder lenses and are pretty inexpensive.
There is also a "jelly lens" that would have a polarized version (among other styles of filters) for just a couple bucks. ; It has a reusable sticky grip that holds it to the phone surface. ; Just type "jelly lens" into google or ebay.

(Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk)
I've also seen lens mounts/adapters for iPhone that are essentially cases with threads/ tabs for add on lenses. ; Jury seems out on them at this time.