Some Safari firsts


Here's a couple of first captures for me on the Kilimanjaro Safari adventure.

Cheetah's were in full view. Usually I see them lying down and not in very photographic poses. Nor do I usually have a 400mm (600mm 35mm equivalent) lens on my camera when I do see them. Still cropped it from the original landscape shot.


Nikon D70/80-400VR, 1/400s, f/5.6, ISO 1600, EV -0.3, 400mm focal length

I believe this is a White Rhino. While I've gotten photos of them in the past, I like this environmental photo.


Nikon D70/80-400VR, 1/400s, f/4.5, ISO 560, EV -0.3, 80mm focal length.

A Warthog closeup.


Nikon D70/80-400VR, 1/400s, f/5.6, ISO 720, EV -0.3, 400mm focal length
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that cheetah shot is better than anything i've ever been able to get of them, like the lions, they are always in lazy mode when i ride safari, laying down, doing nothing at all and interested in nothing
"Kiki" said:
How did you do that with that looooooooong lens in a choppy safari truck? Very impressive.

I used Shutter priority mode and set shutter speed to 1/400th of a second and let the camera set ISO and aperture. I didn't try to shoot when the vehicle was moving too fast but I did with the cheetahs and got the one you see here. Most of the moving shots didn't come out and I wouldn't try this again with the lens. The lens worked great on the trails and other animals where I was on solid ground. :)
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Thanks Craig and Cooleo! This is the 80-400VR lens that Jeff is currently selling.
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