so am i missing anything


heading to orlando in the near future and will be my first trip with my slr, the past have just been a simple bridge

got my

18-250mm sigma
50mm 1.8 canon
uv filters for both
3 4gb cards
3 batterys
lens cloth
lowpro slingshot

so anything i need or anytips, i know a tripod would be handy for fireworks and stuff, but i have to draw a line somewhere :)
The tripod should attach to you bag somehow. ; I will typically leave mine in the room, and head back for it in the afternoon, so I am not carrying it all day.
I thought the slingshot bag had a specific place to hold a tripod? Maybe not, its hard to keep all the bags straight! I would say you're good, the only things I would recommend would be a comfortable strap and hoods for the lenses you mentioned (unless we all just assume that bringing lenses means bringing the hoods too.)

I just did my first very, very short trip to WDW with my dSLR and it was a lot of fun. Be prepared to have people look at you funny for having a 'big' camera and to answer questions about it!
"mSummers" said:
Questions like, "Are you a Photopass Photographer?"

Exactly! After Wishes I had a guy come up to me with a d90 and asked me how to take pictures at night :o I gave him a very brief aperture/shutter speed/ iso explanation and I watched his head spin! He said I was using words he had never heard and that he had a lot to learn.
ironically all i got was people moaning. i stood at the bridge between main street and liberty square to be asked had i nothing better to do on my holiday than run around with things that ruin it for others.

i could understand if i was on a dark ride or such but come on in the main park
things that ruin it for others.

and just ; what would those things be?? i've never had anyone say anything like that to me, i've had more than a few mistake me for photopass. once in a while someone even refuses to believe that i am not photopass and keeps trying to hand me the card. the only thing close to that was during my last trip in oct, while photographing the not so scary parade, the late one mind you, just on the bend, past hall of presidents, i had to ask a parent more than once to remove their child from under my tripod, he had sent his little girl, about 3 right underneath my rig, and it took a couple of times of repeating myself to get him to understand that that was not safe, it wasn't a space issue, but no little 3 year old head can do well with a 5dmark2 and a 50mm f1.2 plus ball head and velbon legs dropping down 3 feet onto the skull. and of course in today's litigious society, where everyone is a victim, and no one has any personal responsibility for their own poor decision making, i could easily see the end result being disney banning all tripod use.