Snow Storm!


Just wondering how all you guys East were doing with all the snow you are getting? ; I hear it is the worst storm in 60 years?? ; Anyone got any pictures?
We got a real dumping here near Ottawa. ; I haven't seen this much snow in one dumping since I was a kid in Nova Scotia!

We shovelled the driveway 4 times yesterday and again this morning. ; The plow didn't even get to our street until this morning. ; had to help a couple of people who were stuck.
We were dumped on in Toronto too. I was not feeling well but my wife and kids shoveled a few times yesterday. It was slow going to work this morning as the plows still hadn't cleaned some of the roads.
We were in London., ON for the weekend with for the DW's family Christmas. Celebrated on Sunday afternoon and decided to stay an extra night and wait until the roads were in better shape.

Spoke with my mother yesterday in Montreal and she has had over 70 cm of new snow in her back yard.

Here in the Toronto area we rarely get a dumping of more than 10 cm's. And when we do people often don't heed warning about not driving and if they do drive they drive too fast.

Here's a shot of our BBQ on Monday evening.
Wow, that is a lot of snow HamHam. ; I so wish for once we would get more than a cm or two. ; I miss the big snow storms of the maritimes.
Here's my latest BBQ-O-meter from the latest storm.

Not much for some of your folks through out the country, but a lot for us here in the Toronto area.

I would love to see that much snow again...just not here in Calgary where the drivers don't know how to drive in the snow.
Just bumping this post up. I know you guys in the East got a ton more snow now. ; It is really making me miss a good snow storm, although I don't think I would want that much snow. ; I seen some photos today from people in Ontario and Holy Cow!! ; It is +15 here today and a bit cloudy, no snow in sight.
Yah, our electric shovel died on that last snowfall ; >:( It wouldn't be so bad if it would melt in between storms! ; ... at this point I'm hoping there's no snow to affect our flights out of Pearson ... on April 19th! ; ;D
It took hours to shovel out from that last dumping! ; I put the kids to work moving the snow to the middle of the lawn when the banks got too high. ; We are using the hope and prayer method to back out of the laneway - the snow banks are over 5 1/2 ft (which I am sure is wimpy compared to what the folks in Ottawa and points east are dealing with). ; It was the first time we used the snowblower in at least 2 years. ; It is going to be a mess when it finally starts to melt. ; This must be what they mean by the Great White North ; ;D
We had 27 cm on Wednesday, and 52 on the weekend....took hubby 3 hours to do the laneway (our snowblower died before he finished......)

Here is a pic from the street
Wow weecmp, that photo is very impressive. ; So much snow and so different than the weather we are having here in Calgary.
we had a foot on sat and another foot by sunday morning. ;

great pics!!!!

The snow here is level with the grill of our BBQ. ; This is crazy!!!!!!!!!!!

When we left March 1st it was snowing hard. ; The snow line was in southern Pennsylvania.

On the trip home, the snow line was between Syracuse and Watertown, NY.

We had been watching the U.S. Weather Channel and had expected we were getting hit at home. ; Then, on March 10th, our last day at WDW, we were at Typhoon Lagoon and ran into people from our town. ; They told us about the huge dumping of snow.

Thankfully, our neighbours had cleared enough of the driveway for us to get in last night... ; but I have never seen such HUGE snowbanks in this part of the world.

My shoulders and back hurt!