Small personal milestone...


Staff member
My Pbase photo website just turned past 2 million views today! ; It's not super-meaningful in the greater scheme of life, but cool anyway. ; It's actually surprising how quickly the 2nd million came - I've had the site for over 5 years now, and only just past 1 million in January of this year.

Hopefully, more of those views will continue to be the occasional sale/publication request, so I can keep buying new camera toys to stick new photos on the site!
"zackiedawg" said:
My Pbase photo website just turned past 2 million views today! ; It's not super-meaningful in the greater scheme of life, but cool anyway.

VERY COOL! ; That is awesome!
It's good to know that the click-bot that I wrote and pointed at your site actually worked. ;)

Seriously, congratulations, that's quite a milestone. ; I don't think anything related to my life will ever involve a million.
Well thanks everyone for the congrats, and for the click bot. ; Anything that gets you there, right!? ; ;)

Now it might take longer for 3 million, but I'm in no rush. ; Million was the biggest, and 2 million just surprising because of how much quicker it came. ; I'm not going to catch up with TMIP anytime soon! ; :)