

Ok, that is nuts, some guy had a Segway in our office. ; It was really cool. ; Another guy took it for a test drive and nearly knocked over a few cubicles. ; It was quite funny, certainly needs a lesson on how to drive that thing. ; But it just reminded me sooo much of Epcot and seeing those things zip around. ; I bet the Around the World on a Seqway tour would be pretty neat.
That'd be so cool. ; I think the tour includes a half-hour 'training session' or something, doesn't it?

When we were on our cruise last month (not Disney, though), a couple of ports had Segway-based excursions... for folks who can't walk far due to knee injuries or the like it's a great option... and environmentally friendly ;)
The learning session is about an hour for the tour at Epcot and from what I seen you certainly do need some time to practice.