SCORE! New camera is on it's way....


Staff member
thanks to some creative accounting and moving some money from one pocket to another, i was able to order my new
-Canon 5d
-Canon EF 17-40 f4 L

in addition to the....
-Canon EF 24-105 f4L
-Canon EF 70-200 f4L

i had to sell A LOT of stuff on ebay to get this done but it was do-able thanks to the Cash in w/ Canon double rebates and Christmas coming.... Can't wait for it to get here....
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"Tim" said:
thanks to some creative accounting and moving some money from one pocket to another, i was able to order my new
-Canon 5d
-Canon EF 17-40 f4 L

in addition to the....
-Canon EF 24-105 f4L
-Canon EF 70-200 f4L

i had to sell A LOT of stuff on ebay to get this done but it was do-able thanks to the Cash in w/ Canon double rebates and Christmas coming.... Can't wait for it to get here....

Well done, what about a flash? ;)
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you dog you, you gonna love the 17-40 f4, i have one but it doesn't see much use on 20d since i got the 10-22, but i;m holding onto it until the day i too go full frame, i'll probably hang onto some sort of aps camera, i'm going to check out the rebel xti as a travel camera.
now we will really have to work to shine against those full frame shots, viewfinder should be a nice step up too
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i still have my 20d as a backup... tried to sell it on ebay and it didnt. had a few offers but i'm not gonna 'give' it away for a few hundred...
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Would you believe I'm following these threads of yours so I know what kind of gear you have so I can spot you if I'm late for the photo tour and have to hunt you down? I mean if the large herd of photographers wandering around the park isn't a give-away. The 5D isn't that hugely different from the 20D, but I can certainly spot those lenses.
Yes, I know there are pictures of you online, but.. I'm absolutely terrible recognizing faces. Even for people I actually know. But I can spot a Canon camera from across Tommorowland. I used to count the number of Canon and Nikon SLRs I saw at Disney World, but the past year or so the numbers have become large enough that I gave it up. It's not a novelty anymore, they're everywhere. That battery of L glass is certainly going to be more noticable though, even if a number of them aren't white.
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hey dan.... the tshirt with the TMIP logo on it would be a good hint, too :)
can't imagine anyone but me wearing one of those...

(hint hint to all of you)
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IT... IS... HERE!

(wipes drool off the keyboard) :)

1st impressions.... built like a tank. not much bigger than 20d but feels a lot more solid. awesome shutter crack sound. love the bigger screen. holy crap that 1.6x crop factor is HUGE! full frame is sweet. auto w/b seems better than on 20d, but that might be a function of full frame as well. i will do some comparision shots and post the differences at the same focal lengths when i get a chance.
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BTW... just got my $860 in mail-in rebated today. checks deposited and funds sent straight to the EVIL credit card company. adios!
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"WillCAD" said:
Oof! You know you spent a TON of money when the REBATES alone are over $800!

yeah i was walking a little funny for awhile after that one... i know of another person here who did quite a bit of damage himself. if he wants to admit his guilt, let him speak now...
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